I see a light at the end of the tunnel as far as the project's concerned hopefully I'm not just being optimistic. I definitely should skip my morning class tomorrow since doing work is more productive than listening to others do their presentations. I always feel bad about doing that though. That's probably the only way I can be considered "studious" however....
When I turned on the TV last night, they were showing the Red Sox game that had been rained out the night before. (Hail in Texas? WTF?) I was expecting Enterprise. So I went down to do work. At 9pm, I decided to take a break. Good thing I did to because that's when the game ended and Enterprise came on.
What did I think of it? I thought it was very good indeed. The main plot of Archer convincing Degra to join him against the other Xindi, particularly the Reptiles, was very well done. Degra and the Sloth guy were just skeptical enough without being overly obstinate. T'Pol's overly emotional state continued after her experimenting with Trellium D but was not a distraction from more important plot points. I'm still rather amazed as I write this, but, I actually liked Trip in this episode. Too many times he has acted like W but last night he showed another side of himself as he tried to write a letter to the parents of one of his engineers who had been killed recently. I was very impressed.
When I turned on the TV last night, they were showing the Red Sox game that had been rained out the night before. (Hail in Texas? WTF?) I was expecting Enterprise. So I went down to do work. At 9pm, I decided to take a break. Good thing I did to because that's when the game ended and Enterprise came on.
What did I think of it? I thought it was very good indeed. The main plot of Archer convincing Degra to join him against the other Xindi, particularly the Reptiles, was very well done. Degra and the Sloth guy were just skeptical enough without being overly obstinate. T'Pol's overly emotional state continued after her experimenting with Trellium D but was not a distraction from more important plot points. I'm still rather amazed as I write this, but, I actually liked Trip in this episode. Too many times he has acted like W but last night he showed another side of himself as he tried to write a letter to the parents of one of his engineers who had been killed recently. I was very impressed.