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Showing posts from May, 2006

What's That Moody Blues Song? Ah, Yes. "Ride My Seesaw"...

Yesterday was a day of ups and downs. It began Monday when I discovered two local libraries were looking for reference substitutes. The problem arose when I noticed that deadline for one of them was today and it wasn't clear how to apply for it. So finally got ahold of them yesterday and I was told to download an application and drive it into the town office. Those who know me know how difficult that can be for me to do. I was given the name of the human resources person who told me that, without knowing my driving issue, that I could actually fax it and then send the original by mail! I did so and this made me very happy. Fast forward a couple hours. I discover my checking account was overdrawn yet again. This was partially my fault as I made a purchase assuming that I would be finally paid for that second week as I was assured I would be. Guess what? I still haven't been! I freely admit I should have waited for full confirmation of the payment but I guess I'm still v...

Memorial Day Movie Night

No, it wasn't a marathon of war or Godzilla movies, we went to the theater last night. Since my parents declared that it had been awhile since I got to pick the movie, and they're not kidding, we went to see X-men 3 . If I pretend I've never read the comic, I thought the movie was very entertaining and will go in the collection when it comes out on DVD. But let's face it: I grew up on the comic and loved it in the '80's. I also read reprints of the '70's issues and loved those as well. True, I stopped reading it during the Gambit-Psychlocke-Jubilee era of the '90s but I kept abreast (After all, Storm's and Jean Grey's boobs were the size of their heads!) of what was going on and read the "Generation X" comic. The movies have never followed the comics, or at least not as well as the Spider-man or even Fantastic Four movies have, but this new one tops, or "bottoms" them all in this department. Why did Juggernaught keep ...

Let's Just Get Naked

Have you ever been in a situation where you have a friend, or, more accurately, a former friend who has cut themselves out of your life for reasons unknown, who was not doing well yet all you can think of to say is a statement that could very easily be interpreted as selfish and unhelpful. Added to this, the situation is none of my business anyway. It's aggravating. The best I can do is write what I just did here in case she comes across it. Speaking of former friends, I discovered last night a person I tried to start a relationship with is moving in with the guy she met about the time we ended things this past summer. My mood has nothing to do with who has moved on and who hasn't. Hell, I myself even had a whole other "attempt" since. No, I guess it's the speed all this has happened that bothers me. Not only am I not "the one," but I could be seen as "the one just before the one." This really shouldn't bother me and I did ask her how ...

Thy Alias is Charmed One

It may be the end of an era. Not one but two of my shows ended recently. Last night, Alias rocked. Yes, predictability was evident in more than one place so it's probably good they ended before it got much worse but there was still much coolness. So much coolness, in fact, that the show will be missed. One thing that drove me nuts was that they kept changing the plot of the show; to a point anyway. The actual plot of the show wasn't really all about Sydney's job I realize now as the one common thread throughout was Sloane's obsession with Rambaldi. Star Trek dealt with this theme numerous times so maybe J.J. Abrams is the one to take over the franchise... The rest of my commentary will contain spoilers but these thoughts need to get out. At first, I was a little irked that the showdown between Syd and Sloane happened so early in the episode. I figured this was the ultimate battle and Syd taking on her mother was secondary to that but then I realized this would hav...

Saturday's All Right For Posting

Ok, yes, another bad title from me but it's so hard to think of one when you have a myriad of topics you want to cover so there you go. First, now that it's season is over, I want to make a comment or two about Boston Legal though not about it's season finale per se. How much do I love it that Parker Posey is now part of the cast? The cast was totally awesome anyway with William Shatner, James Spader, Candace Bergen, Rene Auberjenois and Julie Bowen but Posey as well? ::Drool:: I do worry that the addition will push Bowen out but I hope I'm wrong. The writing of the show is so good, I'm sure I'll get over it if that does indeed happen anyway. Thursday, I worked at another insurance agency for one day only doing a photocopying project. Going into it I was under the impression that it would be done by noon but I think there was more work than expected as well as more interruptions, which should have been expected, and more staples to be removed. Also I don...

Rainy Day Fits My Mood

Ok, so I finally am told today why I wasn't paid for that final week of the mail room job. The hours I submitted didn't match up with the time card hours so the machine rejected it. And do you know why? Because there's no record I worked that Monday. And do you want to know why? I wasn't given a time card until Tuesday. Why? I don't know but I'm guessing I'm apparently a non-entity. I'm too trusting. When I told the manager about it and he said it would be taken care of I assumed he meant it. Apparently, I was suppose to contact my agency immediately about this. How was I supposed to know? Argh!!!!!!

Friends with Justice And Charm

On Saturday, we went to see Friends With Money which ironically stars Jennifer Aniston. Overall, I give the movie a B. The acting was good and the most of the dialogue and situations were interesting but there were problems with it. As is the case with all "art house" films it drags in places. This isn't Joan Cusack's best film by far. Just watching School of Rock shows you that. There were scenes of unrealisticness which I'm not sure is even a word but should be. We all agreed that Aniston was the most attractive of the women yet hers is the character that hates to exercise and can't get a man. WTF? In a related matter, I liked the French maid outfit... This weekend was the series finale of Justice League . Should series finales be only a half hour? Hell no! While it's true it was the second part of a story that started last week, it was really a stand alone episode and they crammed so much coolness into the last part it should have been an hour in i...

It's a Smallville World After All...

Oh, come on! It was only a matter of time before I did that! Since Smallville has ended for the season, I figured I would give my review despite the fact it never generates comments. I think they did the whole Brainiac angle quite well. I love the fact they never mentioned him by name. This is a trick they did on Enterprise a few times with mixed success I think but that's another post for another time. Back in Kansas, I had wondered how they'd push Lex over to the dark side since they eliminated the reason he did so from the original comic. In it, the reason Lex goes bad was because he lost his hair and blamed Superboy for it but here, Lex and Clark don't even meet until he already lost his hair. (Hairloss is probably a lame reason anyway but it was the 1930's so what do you want?) As far as continuity this season, though, this was also a mixed bag. Clark and Lana do break up around now but she should know his secret. I suppose their way made it easier so it...

More Lost Thoughts

Now, it's possible we will discover that Libby did indeed survive the shooting as producers refuse to confirm either way but they have mentioned in at least two separate interviews that the Libby/Hurley relationship is too make up for the Charlie/Claire relationship being on the rocks right now. Why does this have to be? What is so wrong with the lovable fat guy having love? Besides, if she does indeed die, we'll never know, except in flashbacks I suppose, why they were both in the same mental institution and Hurley doesn't remember her. (I think she does.) I helped out with another financial seminar today. I still didn't get my steak dinner but I did get a pretty good salmon dinner this time. Honestly, I'm not really partial to fish but it's a step in the right direction. I think I had a better grasp of my duties this time so I think it went much smoother from my perspective. I fully admit, I'm not a perfectionist "Type A" personality so my ...

Random Comments Into My Life

We did yardwork yesterday. I picked up a lot of sticks. Home Depot sucks on a Friday morning. My father and I went to get a new gascan for the mower and there was only one employee around to help us...and she didn't know anything about how these new fangled gas cans work... So due to a bank error when I reset my bank account so I could accurately keep track again, I had like a hundred dollars less in my account than I thought so my last bill payment put me in the hole. This would've been all right and easily fixed if I had been paid for the last week of my mailroom job but, oddly, I still have not been even though it's been weeks. I don't know if I can accurately convey how infuriated this makes me. If it doesn't happen soon, heads will roll! Also yesterday I re-watched the Enterprise episode "Regeneration"; this time with audio commentary from the writers. They made some valid points I hadn't considered on the issue of if this episode screws with...

Florida, Red Sox and Meaningless TV Commentary

I'm back from Florida and, thankfully, not cold this time. Of course, there's a big difference in temperature here in CT, as probably everywhere else, between late October and early May... There were a few differences this trip. We went the beach twice as opposed to never. The water is so warm on the Gulf. I told my father that I may never go in ocean water up here again! I received a sunburn on each visit. The first time I burned my forehead and I burned my ankle at the second beach. Yes, two very weird places. I'm talented. The highlight of the trip was going to Tropicana Field in St. Pete to see my Sox play the Devil Rays on Sunday. Sure, they lost but it was so close and our seats were right behind the visitor bullpen. The seats were great. When we get our pictures back I'm sure I'll post some. Sports Interlude-Speaking of the Sox, we were forced to watch the Red Sox-Yankee game on ESPN. Their coverage is better than Fox in that they don't kiss Yankee ...