I'm back from Florida and, thankfully, not cold this time. Of course, there's a big difference in temperature here in CT, as probably everywhere else, between late October and early May...
There were a few differences this trip. We went the beach twice as opposed to never. The water is so warm on the Gulf. I told my father that I may never go in ocean water up here again! I received a sunburn on each visit. The first time I burned my forehead and I burned my ankle at the second beach. Yes, two very weird places. I'm talented.
The highlight of the trip was going to Tropicana Field in St. Pete to see my Sox play the Devil Rays on Sunday. Sure, they lost but it was so close and our seats were right behind the visitor bullpen. The seats were great. When we get our pictures back I'm sure I'll post some.
Sports Interlude-Speaking of the Sox, we were forced to watch the Red Sox-Yankee game on ESPN. Their coverage is better than Fox in that they don't kiss Yankee ass unless they are actually playing the game but they were in this case. They kept going on and on about Damon's return to Fenway. Talking to people, only Yankee fans think Damon now being with them would be bothersome in Boston. Red Sox fans don't seem to care. So they went on and on about this and glossed over the big news of the game. The return of Doug Mirabelli. Does Sox management read my blog?
Anyway, back to Florida. The part I suppose I disliked the most, more than not seeing any manatees since it's no ones fault they go back out to sea in April, was that I didn't get to visit with my cousin more. This trip I stayed at my aunt and uncle's which made more sense logistically and frankly made it easier to sleep, I didn't get to see her as much. Hopefully, next time we can arrange a happy medium. Being an only child I don't mind doing more mature things and being in more mature conversations but there were times it was a little too boring.
I mentioned this elsewhere but did the promo department at Fox have to tell us every commercial break that this week's House was a two-parter? Don't people want to be surprised by cliff-hangers? Isn't that the point of cliff-hangers? The problem as I see it was that they wanted people to know they were going to show the conclusion yesterday instead of next Tuesday. I was willing to wait until then myself. Is our society too much into instant gratification?
How interesting the two people killed on Lost last night were the two actresses recently busted for DUI... It did confirm one thing for me though: my father has turned into a crotchety old man practically over night. "What kind of show is this? When does it end? It's 10 o'clock!" I need to get out of here...
There were a few differences this trip. We went the beach twice as opposed to never. The water is so warm on the Gulf. I told my father that I may never go in ocean water up here again! I received a sunburn on each visit. The first time I burned my forehead and I burned my ankle at the second beach. Yes, two very weird places. I'm talented.
The highlight of the trip was going to Tropicana Field in St. Pete to see my Sox play the Devil Rays on Sunday. Sure, they lost but it was so close and our seats were right behind the visitor bullpen. The seats were great. When we get our pictures back I'm sure I'll post some.
Sports Interlude-Speaking of the Sox, we were forced to watch the Red Sox-Yankee game on ESPN. Their coverage is better than Fox in that they don't kiss Yankee ass unless they are actually playing the game but they were in this case. They kept going on and on about Damon's return to Fenway. Talking to people, only Yankee fans think Damon now being with them would be bothersome in Boston. Red Sox fans don't seem to care. So they went on and on about this and glossed over the big news of the game. The return of Doug Mirabelli. Does Sox management read my blog?
Anyway, back to Florida. The part I suppose I disliked the most, more than not seeing any manatees since it's no ones fault they go back out to sea in April, was that I didn't get to visit with my cousin more. This trip I stayed at my aunt and uncle's which made more sense logistically and frankly made it easier to sleep, I didn't get to see her as much. Hopefully, next time we can arrange a happy medium. Being an only child I don't mind doing more mature things and being in more mature conversations but there were times it was a little too boring.
I mentioned this elsewhere but did the promo department at Fox have to tell us every commercial break that this week's House was a two-parter? Don't people want to be surprised by cliff-hangers? Isn't that the point of cliff-hangers? The problem as I see it was that they wanted people to know they were going to show the conclusion yesterday instead of next Tuesday. I was willing to wait until then myself. Is our society too much into instant gratification?
How interesting the two people killed on Lost last night were the two actresses recently busted for DUI... It did confirm one thing for me though: my father has turned into a crotchety old man practically over night. "What kind of show is this? When does it end? It's 10 o'clock!" I need to get out of here...