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It's a Smallville World After All...

Oh, come on! It was only a matter of time before I did that! Since Smallville has ended for the season, I figured I would give my review despite the fact it never generates comments. I think they did the whole Brainiac angle quite well. I love the fact they never mentioned him by name. This is a trick they did on Enterprise a few times with mixed success I think but that's another post for another time. Back in Kansas, I had wondered how they'd push Lex over to the dark side since they eliminated the reason he did so from the original comic. In it, the reason Lex goes bad was because he lost his hair and blamed Superboy for it but here, Lex and Clark don't even meet until he already lost his hair. (Hairloss is probably a lame reason anyway but it was the 1930's so what do you want?)

As far as continuity this season, though, this was also a mixed bag. Clark and Lana do break up around now but she should know his secret. I suppose their way made it easier so it's a small gripe but it gets much worse. First, they had an appearance by Bart Allen a season or two ago which is a major violation in that he's a teenage Flash now making him much younger than Clark. (Why they didn't go with Barry Allen I have no idea.) Now, this season, they made Cyborg the same age. In the comics, he was on the Teen Titans with Dick Grayson, the original Robin, which also makes him too young. (The Luthor angle with that didn't bother me and the Aquaman appearance didn't either. In fact, I really enjoyed that episode.)

I look forward to seeing how Clark escapes the Phantom Zone. In the past, all it took was a cosmic explosion or a comet hit so the writers may go for something lame like that here but I'm hoping for more this time.

In other news, I bought a couple new CDs using some of the money, after a bought the gift for my mother, I received from the seminar. I bought the new albums from Jewel and Snow Patrol. In Goodbye to Alice in Wonderland, Jewel is back! Though I may have been the only one, I enjoyed her foray into dance music. Still, it's nice to hear her old sound again. Funny thing though: "Fragile Heart" appears on the last album as well as this one. This is not the first time even Jewel has done that as "Hands" appeared on the Christmas album but those two version are at least somewhat different. These two are not that different at all. No, I'm not upset or feel cheated. I'm amused actually. I was sitting there listening to the album and I was like, "I know this song." I still don't understand why she's opening for Rob Thomas instead of vice versa. It's like Bob Dylan opening for Natalie Merchant. Not going to happen...

Snow Patrol, I've determined, is my favorite new band. Eyes Open is another great album from them. I've only listened to it once so I can't say yet if it's better (My preliminary feeling right now is no.) but it's certainly just as good. The duet with Martha Wainwright is very good indeed.


JRRyan said…
I heart it when ppl post about music bc I'm always on the outlook for good tunes. I liked what I heard of Jewel's dance stuff bc some if it was amazing for west coast swing and if nothing else, that cements the usefulness of her having taken the path less traveled by...

Also, it's great to hear about SMALLVILLE from the comic perspective (I only followed X-MEN when I went through comic book mayhem) and I know how much my fam hearts that show, esp my WB crazy dad. Now I can bring up some of your provacative points and see what he thinks. if he cares... lol

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