Friday was my church's annual Chicken Barbecue. It was sparsely attended due to the weather and the fact we don't advertise it really in order to not get the attention of the town's health department which would make it more trouble than it's worth. Traditionally it's the least favorite fundraiser of my family as it used to have Flintstone-size pieces of chicken that only a trucker could love but this year they finally went with normal-sized pieces after what seemed like three years of complaints about it. The chicken was good although mine was a bit too dry. (My father felt he's rather sacrifice moistness to not have pinkness. I feel I'd rather risk throwing up for a couple hours to avoid choking to death on a dry piece of chicken but maybe that's just me.) The corn was pretty good for a mass operation but was a bit overcooked as well. The cole slaw and roll, however, was spectacular not to mention the desserts.
Last night, my father and I joined a few church members in a sky box at the Civic Center to see Cirque du Soleil's "Delirium." I worked the executive suite lobby before a few times but this was my first time in one there. (I had been in one at Hadlock Field for a Seadogs game.) I thought it was pretty cool with the Buffalo wings and M&Ms and the seats were very cool indeed.
Some New Age chick named Nitza opened the show. She was pretty good even if you couldn't tell half the time what language she was singing...The show itself I can best describe as a cross between French science fiction and James Bond main title themes with a dash of extra gayness. Through most of the show there was this guy suspended from a ball who at one point said, "I'm glad this is a dream because it is really really weird." I have agree. The best part was the hula hoop girl although it reminded me too much of the Letterman "Will It Float?" segment. A guy who looked just like Right Said Fred did some "hooping" after but it wasn't as interesting. Every soften you'd hear this narrator that was very much inspired by the speech from "Nights in White Satin." ("Cold Hearted Orb...") Overall, it was very interesting experience.
Last night, my father and I joined a few church members in a sky box at the Civic Center to see Cirque du Soleil's "Delirium." I worked the executive suite lobby before a few times but this was my first time in one there. (I had been in one at Hadlock Field for a Seadogs game.) I thought it was pretty cool with the Buffalo wings and M&Ms and the seats were very cool indeed.
Some New Age chick named Nitza opened the show. She was pretty good even if you couldn't tell half the time what language she was singing...The show itself I can best describe as a cross between French science fiction and James Bond main title themes with a dash of extra gayness. Through most of the show there was this guy suspended from a ball who at one point said, "I'm glad this is a dream because it is really really weird." I have agree. The best part was the hula hoop girl although it reminded me too much of the Letterman "Will It Float?" segment. A guy who looked just like Right Said Fred did some "hooping" after but it wasn't as interesting. Every soften you'd hear this narrator that was very much inspired by the speech from "Nights in White Satin." ("Cold Hearted Orb...") Overall, it was very interesting experience.