I went to bed last night after getting a rather huge surprise: I was told a friend is pregnant again. The announcement isn't really that mindblowing given all the facts such as her age etc, but my reaction to it was admittedly overblown. I think if a woman told me she was pregnant with my child I may seriously have a cerebral hemorrhage and die...
This morning I wake up to this not-so-surprising surprise.
Anyway, I went to see My Super Ex-Girlfriend with my father. It was a simple mindless romp that is a great diversion in a place with A/C. It seems like a chick flick but it's such a guy film in reality. No woman I want to know would get more than a chuckle out of this bit of dialogue:
Jenny: I'll buy you a new one.
Matt: A new bed or a new penis?
The ending was terribly clique and the comic book geek in me must ask why the meteor changes hair color and boob size and why the same meteor both giveth and taketh away powers and hair color...
One more thought on the movie: they played Puddle of Mud's "She Hates Me" which seemed very appropo but blurred the "f word". I have no idea why. Would having the word said in a song only once force a different rating? No, I really don't think it would have. Were they doing so it wouldn't have to be done later when this film is broadcast a million times on Comedy Central? I really can't imagine that they thought six year olds would be seeing this movie with dialogue like the above but then parents are stupid and lazy nowadays...
The other day my father bought Tom Petty's new solo CD Highway Companion, his third, for me. This album is pretty good. Surprisingly, The Hartford Courant agrees with me. I personally rank it between Full Moon Fever and Wildflowers in his albums without the Heartbreakers. This album is just him, Mike Campbell, and Jeff Lynne. If they got Bob Dylan to be on it they could have called it a Traveling Wilbury album since Roy and George have passed but alas...
This morning I wake up to this not-so-surprising surprise.
Anyway, I went to see My Super Ex-Girlfriend with my father. It was a simple mindless romp that is a great diversion in a place with A/C. It seems like a chick flick but it's such a guy film in reality. No woman I want to know would get more than a chuckle out of this bit of dialogue:
Jenny: I'll buy you a new one.
Matt: A new bed or a new penis?
The ending was terribly clique and the comic book geek in me must ask why the meteor changes hair color and boob size and why the same meteor both giveth and taketh away powers and hair color...
One more thought on the movie: they played Puddle of Mud's "She Hates Me" which seemed very appropo but blurred the "f word". I have no idea why. Would having the word said in a song only once force a different rating? No, I really don't think it would have. Were they doing so it wouldn't have to be done later when this film is broadcast a million times on Comedy Central? I really can't imagine that they thought six year olds would be seeing this movie with dialogue like the above but then parents are stupid and lazy nowadays...
The other day my father bought Tom Petty's new solo CD Highway Companion, his third, for me. This album is pretty good. Surprisingly, The Hartford Courant agrees with me. I personally rank it between Full Moon Fever and Wildflowers in his albums without the Heartbreakers. This album is just him, Mike Campbell, and Jeff Lynne. If they got Bob Dylan to be on it they could have called it a Traveling Wilbury album since Roy and George have passed but alas...