Over vacation I read Orion's Hounds by Christopher L. Bennett which is the latest installment of the Titan series. I liked this book much better than the first two books in the series. The plot, with reappearances by the "Starjellies" and Crystalline Entities, was better and the character interaction and dialogue was more interesting than the first two books of the series. One of the problems with the first two books was that the authors seemed to fill the books by creating new alien species each more fantastic than the last then when they ran out of ideas they said this character is human but gay! This book didn't bother with that instead fleshing out many of the characters already introduced. I also liked how Alyssa Ogawa didn't appear at all so I didn't have to be reminded of the misuse of her character in this series! This book almost made me like Tuvok. That's a fantastic feat!
I saw the orthopedist today and am out of the immobilizer. I need to have physical therapy for a month but that's ok. I may possibly have surgery to strengthen the knee. It would reduce the likelihood of another dislocation from 100% likely to 20% likely so I'm leaning towards doing it. I'm getting so tired of going through this...
I saw the orthopedist today and am out of the immobilizer. I need to have physical therapy for a month but that's ok. I may possibly have surgery to strengthen the knee. It would reduce the likelihood of another dislocation from 100% likely to 20% likely so I'm leaning towards doing it. I'm getting so tired of going through this...