The last several weeks at the library, maybe even for more than a month, I've been working on a project. To determine which books belong in our library and which books belong up in Bangor, there is a colored stripe on the spine. We found a ton of books with no stripe at all so it was placed upon me to first make sure the books do indeed belong down here and then place a blue stripe on them. This morning while I was working on this project, checking in a book to see if it was ours brought up an ILL hold alert. We're not sure if this was a new request placed after we checked that morning on an old request kicking around the system for awhile. My boss told me to just prepare it for shipment as even if it's not a current request, they'll just send it back. It was very weird. And yes, I did stripe it! Last evening, I finished the second book in the new Genesis of Shannara trilogy by Terry Brooks: The Elves of the Cintra . I've read some really good books lately, and s...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...