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My Christmas Vacation-Current Events and Sports

I'm glad Joe Biden especially dropped out of the race because, from the very beginning, he had about as much chance of winning as John Kerry would if he ran again meaning slim to less than none. I mean he called Obama "clean and articulate." Chris Dodd dropping out is a bit less, um, pleasant for me because I liked him to a certain degree. He didn't have a shot to win either, though, so it was the right move. And, briefly, what is up with Dennis Kucinich reporting ABC to the FCC for dumping him from the debates? Did anyone else get to go on The Colbert Report and empty their pockets? No.

Dodd dropping out leads me to what I really wanted to discuss. Joe Lieberman first endorsing Susan Collins for Maine's junior senator then John McCain for president. I have no problem with cross-party endorsements in the name of friendship but I really can't buy that from a guy whose response to losing his party's nomination was to run as an independent. It's all about headlines, plan and simple. He might as well run for president himself...

Endorsements are nothing new but this year so far has been quite fascinating in that area. Oprah endorsing Obama. Chuck Norris endorsing Huckabee. McCain getting endorsements from Lieberman and Curt Schilling. (Neither know when to shut their mouth. Coincidence? The world may never know.) Pat Robertson giving "the Christian Candidate" Huckabee the shaft and endorsing Rudy "Mr. 9-11" Guiliani. (I think it's good Rudy mentions 9-11 all the time as that's how Lois Griffin became mayor of Quahog, RI.)

Switching gears, the assassination of Benazir Bhutto is not a good development for the region. My mother, when we heard about it, said it might start the next World War and, the more I think about it, I think she has a point. That's how the first one started more or less. Although, the fact the situation hasn't dramatically escalated in the last week is hopeful in that area. According to Star Trek, that won't happen for another 40 years... (Sorry, I had to...)

I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't mention the Patriots achieving the 16-0 record. A certain reader will hate me saying this but it's a true achievement even if they don't win the Super Bowl; which they probably will anyway. W00t! I was pleased that the NFL Network allowed us mere mortals to watch the game. I mean it gave them a chance to hype their mediocre channel anyway. (Funny note: My father and others apparently didn't know what "simulcast" meant as they expected different commentators on CBS and NBC. They actually checked!) Channels devoted to just one sport are the definition of lame I now have decided. I thought the Golf Channel just sucked because golf does...I can't begin to imagine how lame it'll be now that the NFL season is wrapping up. At least golf is played year round somewhere in the world...


K.J. Kofsuske said…
Patriots = cheating, cocky, scumbags.
Likestrek said…
Vikings= losers who didn't win half the games they were favored to.

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