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Showing posts from October, 2007

Recent Events

So this weekend, well, Thursday, I went up north to the parental units to celebrate my natal day. The bus ride was pretty good thanks to my aforementioned mixes. My parents were both there at the station and we drove home where my father, bless him, had a six pack of my favorite beer (Amstel Light because domestic is skank) waiting in the fridge. Friday, the actual day, I organized some of my books in my bedroom or the room that is mine when I'm up and there isn't any more important guests. My grandmother and uncle arrived in the afternoon and then was present time! I received some good stuff this year. The Traveling Wilbury Collection with both albums and a DVD. (The DVD has a documentary of how the band was formed and all their videos. Yes! They have videos!) I also received the third volume of The Superfriends otherwise known as "the Firestorm series" and a DVD of Paul McCartney's 2005 tour. Finally, I received Vince Flynn's latest paperback and an autogra...

So This Month Has 12 Entries...

I'm leaving this afternoon for my parent's house and a weekend of wild birthday fun.(Yeah, right...) Over the past couple weeks I've burned three mixes for the trip up (and back down). Should be fun. I'm also looking forward to the bus trip only being half as long. Last night, was the first week of dance I had to get tough to get them out. They started to clean up at the right time but they were going way too slow so I went into Event Staff mode and shut the lights off on them... I leave you with a fairly accurate quiz result to tide you over until I return: You are Oscar Wilde Charming and Witty. You are incredibly popular because of your wry and satirical sense of humor. You are also incredibly talented at writing, and pushing the conventional boundaries of your society. Take this quiz at

OK, I Was Aparently Wrong.

Yes, I was wrong. I predicted that the Sox would win in 6 games and it took 7. Their was debate by those I talked with but I think the way this post season has gone was eerily similar to 2004. That year, the Sox swept the Division Series had a battle in the Championship series forcing them to play all seven games and then swept the World Series. This year, they swept the Division Series and had a battle in the Championship series. Am I suggesting there will be another sweep of the World Series. Hard to tell. Colorado had huge momentum going through the playoffs and Boston has it now. Sox manager Terry Francona said recently that, basically, momentum only goes as far as that day's pitcher. Managers and players always downplay these things so who can tell if that statement is accurate or by how much. Joe Buck, or, as I like to call him, a word that rhymes with his last name, pointed out last night Colorado took 2 of a 3 game set this past regular season but I will point out what all ...

Good Mix Playing. I Had To.

IF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE? To review: 1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc) 2. Put it on shuffle 3. Press play 4. For every question, type the song that's playing 5. When you go to a new question, press the next button 6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool... Opening Credits: "I Won't Back Down"- Tom Petty. Cool! Waking Up: "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues"- Neil Young. Again, cool! First Day At School: "Bathwater"- No Doubt. I don't get it. Falling In Love: "Goodbye to You"- Michelle Branch. Wouldn't this be a better "Break-up" song? Fight Song: "See You When I Get There"- The Wallflowers. Actually, the song works. Breaking Up: "Two Worlds"- Phil Collins. The title works but not really the lyrics. Prom (Perhaps Grad Walk?): "Baby Grand"- Billy Joel and Ray Charles. That would work as a Grad Walk or Prom song but perhaps too cool ...

The Good and the Bad

Since one of my readers' husbands works for the Post Office, I will try to be as diplomatic as possible but there was an incident yesterday that rather pissed me off. Granted, it was maybe 20% my own fault. I was charged on my way home from work to go to the post office and mail off a Inter-Library Loan package. This was the second time I had done this; for work I mean. The first time I did it I was told specifically to hand it to the guy at the desk despite the fact we have a postal machine. I felt stupid standing in line for no apparent reason. This time, I thought "Why don't I just put it in the box and save time?" It wasn't until I had already dropped the package in that I noticed the 13 ounce limit sign. How long has that been effect? And what is the purpose of that? Anthrax can weight much less than that and every package over 13 ounces must be a bomb... It also occurred to me later that maybe the weight issue has to do with what kind of truck they use but i...

What? It's Different!

IF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE? To review: 1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc) 2. Put it on shuffle 3. Press play 4. For every question, type the song that's playing 5. When you go to a new question, press the next button 6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool... Opening Credits: "I'm Not Running Anymore"- John Mellencamp. Opening Credit songs never have anything to do with the movie. Awesome song anyway. Waking Up: "Good Enough"- Sarah McLachlan. That would not wake me up... First Day At School: "Wrong All The Time"- Ringo Starr. ::Spittake:: Falling In Love: "Rock and Roll Music"- The Beatles. Huh? Fight Song: "One Lonley Night"-REO Speedwagon. The aftermath, obviously. Breaking Up: "Rainy Day Women #12 and #35"- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Drunk maybe but not stoned! Prom (Perhaps Grad Walk?): "Trouble"- Shawn Colvin. More interesting than my p...

National Treasure 3, Perhaps?

'What will your obituary say?' at

I Told You There Would Be More

Since I was asked, let me tell you more about the dance group I "monitor" at my church. It's called "Ecstatic Dance." I haven't actually watched it as I stay in another room and read while it goes on but from what I can hear and see. It seems very yoga-like if yoga involved loud music and the occasional primal screaming. Some weeks, maybe ever other week, they have a "real" instructor, as they did last night, telling them to do things with their breathing and to get in circles, etc. The music is eclectic and the participants are either hippy/yuppy-types or just college-age. There were a couple hotties this week but that is neither here nor there... I'm still recovering from doing the church bulletin today. All-told, it took me 5 and half hours. The main problems with it was not doing before for this church as their bulletin is way more complicated then the ones I used to do for my father, having to use the wost mouse I have ever used, and figur...

Most Likely More Later

The last time the Red Sox won the division, in 1995, they faced Cleveland in the ALDS and lost. Now in 2007, the two teams will face off again. This time in the ALCS. Not the most exciting piece of trivia, especially considering Manny plays for us now, but I had to start somewhwere. What I hear now is that the Sox are putting Beckett, Schilling and Matsuzaka with either Wakefield or Beckett, coming back on short rest, to take Game 4. The first two games don't scare me despite facing the Indians top two pitchers. Game 3 is a bit worrisome but not as much as the next one. I think Wakefield is done for the season. I have visions of him going out there and pitching like Roger Clemens did the other day. Yes, Tim is like 5 years younger but they're both injured. Wakefield will be back next year. Clemens won't be; especially if Joe goes. What's the other option? Beckett on short rest. While Josh seems to turn it on in the posrtseason, I'm not sure if that's a good idea...

I Think We All Know What I'm Thinking...

Go Sox! Boo Yankees! I've developed an addiction to doing this: Musical Magic 8 Ball Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING. 1. How does the world see me? "Stuck Inside a Cloud"- George Harrison. LOL! 2. Will I have a happy life? "Forever Man"- Eric Clapton. So it'll be long but will it be happy? 3. What do my friends really think of me? "Shangri-La"- Don Henley. I guess they think I live in a fantasy world. 4. Do people secretly lust after me? "Real Love"- The Beatles. So it's not just lust then? 5. How can I make myself happy? "Life in the Fast Lane"- The Eagles. Take more risks? 6. What should I do with my life? "Here With Me"- Michelle Branch. Just sit here and blog. ::headdesk:: 7. Will I ever have children? "Watching the Wheels"- John Lennon. I have absolutely no clue. 8...

Likesbaseball. Likesmusic.

JRRyan would understand the reference. Anyway, there wasn't just one game last night there was two. Who walks Ortiz just to get to Manny? The Angels, that's who. Morons. Yes, his power numbers was down this season but he was battling injuries and he produced. Last I knew, he was the active career leader in grand slams so for him to hit a three run jack is not out of the question. I love it. The Yankees losing was perhaps even sweeter. Joe Torre always looks like he needs a potty break even when the Yanks are winning but you almost feel sorry for him. You can almost see him packing his bags and being forced out of town on a rail. Yes, the Yankees could still win the next three games but only one team has ever pulled themselves out of a hole that large. I'll give you a hint who that was. No, actually, I won't. The paragraph above is enough of a hint. Did you notice that the Canadian Soldier ants where primarily attacking them not the Indians? My aunt suggested it was a pl...

Quick News and the Return of the Musical Magic Eightball!

I'm sure you all want to know this: I'll be making a little extra spending money as my church needs someone to "babysit" a weekly dance group and I'm getting paid for it! Woo Hoo! Sure it'll really only pay for my weekly groceries but that's a huge chunk of my expenses so good. Musical Magic 8 Ball Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING. 1. How does the world see me? "Imagine"- John Lennon. A dreamer, I assume. Yeah, OK... 2. Will I have a happy life? "Don't Treat Me Like A Stranger"- Tom Petty. I'm guessing "No." 3. What do my friends really think of me? "No Questions Asked"- Fleetwood Mac. Does that mean "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?" 4. Do people secretly lust after me? "Rainy Day Women #12 and #35"- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. So only when they'...