So my aunt and uncle came up from New Jersey on Tuesday so Wednesday, we went to Applebee's to meet them and my grandparents for lunch. Overall, I suppose it was a good experience but I would recommend the soup and salad option unless like a very small lunch. I was expecting big bowls of both not little tiny ones. The food itself was very good, however. Because of the handicapped taxi being very busy my cousin and I had to hang out in the parking lot for probably 45 minutes. Let's say I enjoyed the margarita, well, margarita and a half really, I had later... (It didn't hurt that I finally know that waitress' name as well...)
Saturday, I went up with my aunt and uncle to see my parents' new house. There was a turkey dinner at the church there that night to benefit the family of a baby whom is home now I guess but was born three months early. I also set up my parents' DSL for them on their desktop and upgrading their anti-virus software as well.
Sunday, we went to church which was an experience as it was the first church I didn't feel like was mine and that I was glad wasn't. I will say I have never seen so many teenage girls at a church since I was a teen myself I guess.
Afterwards, my mother and I along with my aunt and uncle went to one of the best restaurants in town from my memory: Helen's. They've upgraded the menu and I really don't recall them having alcohol before. I also didn't recall the "Hooters-type" tee-shirts the waitresses wore...
We came home and the five of us were off again to Bar Harbor to window shop and see the latest cruise ship in port. Before we went home, we drove up Cadillac Mountain where I worried I lost my cell phone again but thankfully it was in my other pants the house...Anyway, we then drove the Park Loop road before heading for home.
After dinner, my parents and my aunt, accompanied me shopping for groceries and a toaster.
When we returned, I was able to connect my mother's laptop to the DSL, upgraded her anti-virus and installed digital camera software on both computers.
My relatives and I headed for home this morning. Somehow, we got discussing religion which is a topic, along with politics, you don't discuss with them, m'kay? Because the Mexican place with "my buddy" was closed, I'm still too sober...
Oh, before I go, let me direct your attention to my "Twitter Updates" on the upper right of your screen. Because they blend in to my blog design, which I love actually, you may not have seen it.
Saturday, I went up with my aunt and uncle to see my parents' new house. There was a turkey dinner at the church there that night to benefit the family of a baby whom is home now I guess but was born three months early. I also set up my parents' DSL for them on their desktop and upgrading their anti-virus software as well.
Sunday, we went to church which was an experience as it was the first church I didn't feel like was mine and that I was glad wasn't. I will say I have never seen so many teenage girls at a church since I was a teen myself I guess.
Afterwards, my mother and I along with my aunt and uncle went to one of the best restaurants in town from my memory: Helen's. They've upgraded the menu and I really don't recall them having alcohol before. I also didn't recall the "Hooters-type" tee-shirts the waitresses wore...
We came home and the five of us were off again to Bar Harbor to window shop and see the latest cruise ship in port. Before we went home, we drove up Cadillac Mountain where I worried I lost my cell phone again but thankfully it was in my other pants the house...Anyway, we then drove the Park Loop road before heading for home.
After dinner, my parents and my aunt, accompanied me shopping for groceries and a toaster.
When we returned, I was able to connect my mother's laptop to the DSL, upgraded her anti-virus and installed digital camera software on both computers.
My relatives and I headed for home this morning. Somehow, we got discussing religion which is a topic, along with politics, you don't discuss with them, m'kay? Because the Mexican place with "my buddy" was closed, I'm still too sober...
Oh, before I go, let me direct your attention to my "Twitter Updates" on the upper right of your screen. Because they blend in to my blog design, which I love actually, you may not have seen it.