Though there is one more day, this has been a very good Labor Day weekend. Saturday, we took the bus to the Olive Garden. I didn't even know it was so easy to get there by bus. Cool!
We came home and while the roommate's friend made apple strudel, we finally got to watch the movie Ghost Rider. Overall, I thought it was an awesome movie with cool special effects. I never really read the comic although I did read a few issues of the Spirits of Vengeance comic where he teams up with Johnny Blaze; whom he actually is in this movie since it's an origin story. I thought Peter Fonda made a much better Devil than Bryan Cranston in that recent Fallen miniseries but did I really have to point that out? As old flame Roxie Simpson, Eva Mendes was the exact same character as she was in Hitch. As soon as she realized he was telling the truth and was Ghost Rider, she was all over Blaze because flaming skeletons in spiked leather is sexy I guess... Nicolas Cage didn't disappoint as he is capable of doing. My biggest gripe is I wanted more of the Old West story with Carter Slade as I liked the flaming horse effect and Westerns anyway.
After the movie I turned it to the Red Sox game and saw Clay Buccholtz working on a no-hitter in only his second major league start. This had to one of the greatest games I have ever seen. The only game I can think of that was better was a game I was playing in my Baseball Mogul game against the Yankees where it was the 14th inning, I think, and I had completely emptied my bullpen except the Alan Embery and ended up winning. I don't remember the score. Of course, that game didn't really happen now did it so does that really count?
See what I mean:
This morning, my mother was in town so she went to church with me and then we, with my cousin and aunt, tried out a new restaurant in the neighborhood. Small portions and home fries cannot be replaced by saphron rice because, unlike Donovan, I'm not wild about saphron but the Canadian Bacon and Cheddar Scramble was really good any way. One of the waiters was wearing a tee that said "Bears" on the front and "Chico's Bail Bonds" on the back. The reader who can indetify the movie that comes from wins a gold star. (Hint: I reviewed the remake on this very blog.)
We came home and while the roommate's friend made apple strudel, we finally got to watch the movie Ghost Rider. Overall, I thought it was an awesome movie with cool special effects. I never really read the comic although I did read a few issues of the Spirits of Vengeance comic where he teams up with Johnny Blaze; whom he actually is in this movie since it's an origin story. I thought Peter Fonda made a much better Devil than Bryan Cranston in that recent Fallen miniseries but did I really have to point that out? As old flame Roxie Simpson, Eva Mendes was the exact same character as she was in Hitch. As soon as she realized he was telling the truth and was Ghost Rider, she was all over Blaze because flaming skeletons in spiked leather is sexy I guess... Nicolas Cage didn't disappoint as he is capable of doing. My biggest gripe is I wanted more of the Old West story with Carter Slade as I liked the flaming horse effect and Westerns anyway.
After the movie I turned it to the Red Sox game and saw Clay Buccholtz working on a no-hitter in only his second major league start. This had to one of the greatest games I have ever seen. The only game I can think of that was better was a game I was playing in my Baseball Mogul game against the Yankees where it was the 14th inning, I think, and I had completely emptied my bullpen except the Alan Embery and ended up winning. I don't remember the score. Of course, that game didn't really happen now did it so does that really count?
See what I mean:
This morning, my mother was in town so she went to church with me and then we, with my cousin and aunt, tried out a new restaurant in the neighborhood. Small portions and home fries cannot be replaced by saphron rice because, unlike Donovan, I'm not wild about saphron but the Canadian Bacon and Cheddar Scramble was really good any way. One of the waiters was wearing a tee that said "Bears" on the front and "Chico's Bail Bonds" on the back. The reader who can indetify the movie that comes from wins a gold star. (Hint: I reviewed the remake on this very blog.)
"she was all over Blaze because flaming skeletons in spiked leather is sexy I guess..."
That had me laughing because I completely thought the same thing! We watched this a week or so ago.
~your cousin