Wednesday night, I went to the Opening Convocation worship service at the Seminary where I work and the dinner afterwards. I had a good time and was able to help a work study student I've become interested in put away the hymnals...The dinner, put on by the ladies group of my church, was awesome: ham, rice and beans, and salad followed by apple crisp.
Yesterday after work, I met with my pastor about joining the church. I won't bore you with everything that was said but I may help fill in for the secretary when she goes on vacation next month on a most-likely volunteer basis, of course...
Today, my boss took me out to lunch to the Mexican place I frequent. I go there so much that the waitress, whom I also am interested in despite the fact I know she's a smoker, listed what she thought I'd order and then explained to my boss when she gave a quizzical look, that I was "her buddy" whatever that means. I'm sure it doesn't mean what I want it to mean, however...
Tonight is Red Sox-Yankees so you all know what that means...
Today is also the 28th birthday of a certain set of twins that lived next door to me. Some of you know what that means as well... What's wrong with me anyway?
Here's another quiz with a result that I don't know exactly what to make of:

Which Star Trek: Deep Space Nine character are you?

You are Julian Bashir. You are a genius and an overachiever, but your good attitude makes you likable. Others trust and admire you.
Take this quiz!

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Yesterday after work, I met with my pastor about joining the church. I won't bore you with everything that was said but I may help fill in for the secretary when she goes on vacation next month on a most-likely volunteer basis, of course...
Today, my boss took me out to lunch to the Mexican place I frequent. I go there so much that the waitress, whom I also am interested in despite the fact I know she's a smoker, listed what she thought I'd order and then explained to my boss when she gave a quizzical look, that I was "her buddy" whatever that means. I'm sure it doesn't mean what I want it to mean, however...
Tonight is Red Sox-Yankees so you all know what that means...
Today is also the 28th birthday of a certain set of twins that lived next door to me. Some of you know what that means as well... What's wrong with me anyway?
Here's another quiz with a result that I don't know exactly what to make of:

Which Star Trek: Deep Space Nine character are you?

You are Julian Bashir. You are a genius and an overachiever, but your good attitude makes you likable. Others trust and admire you.
Take this quiz!

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Now I'm hungry for apple crisp...