This is the result of the second time I've taken this quiz. The first time I was the Twins, not having seen the second film, I have no idea who they are. This result I know and I must say I am a bit surprised:

You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You
have strong faith in yourself and those around
you. A true leader, you are relentless in your
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I saw the third film this afternoon. I was planning to go with "friends" but they apparently went to the 12:30 and decided not, or just forgot to, tell me after inviting me not once, but twice, yesterday if I wanted to go. This is the second time in as many days these ladies have irritated me. Actually, you could say it was just one big irritation. Last night, they asked me if I wanted to go see They Might Be Giants in concert. I mentioned that I didn't hate the band. And then, when the time came, they acted like they never invited me at all. While both incidents could be just some huge misunderstanding, I still feel like shit about it.
Anyway, eventhough I hadn't seen the second movie, I thought this movie was very good. OK, there were some characters in the movie who I didn't really know but that didn't seem important to understanding the movie so if you never got a chance to see the second movie, I don't think you'd be that confused.
I don't want to give anything away about the movie itself except to say it was really good and that it was perhaps even better than the first film but I will comment on the people seated around me. I was like twenty minutes early and, for the most part, only the really good seats were taken. Because of the stadium seating, my view was fine but there wasn't a lot of elbow room. To add to that, there was this kid behind me who was definitely under 17 and probably even under 7 who would not shut up! "What are the Oracle's eyes?" I'm a very calm collected person as many of you know but I was seriously tempted to tell the kid off. Ah well...

You are Morpheus, from "The Matrix." You
have strong faith in yourself and those around
you. A true leader, you are relentless in your
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I saw the third film this afternoon. I was planning to go with "friends" but they apparently went to the 12:30 and decided not, or just forgot to, tell me after inviting me not once, but twice, yesterday if I wanted to go. This is the second time in as many days these ladies have irritated me. Actually, you could say it was just one big irritation. Last night, they asked me if I wanted to go see They Might Be Giants in concert. I mentioned that I didn't hate the band. And then, when the time came, they acted like they never invited me at all. While both incidents could be just some huge misunderstanding, I still feel like shit about it.
Anyway, eventhough I hadn't seen the second movie, I thought this movie was very good. OK, there were some characters in the movie who I didn't really know but that didn't seem important to understanding the movie so if you never got a chance to see the second movie, I don't think you'd be that confused.
I don't want to give anything away about the movie itself except to say it was really good and that it was perhaps even better than the first film but I will comment on the people seated around me. I was like twenty minutes early and, for the most part, only the really good seats were taken. Because of the stadium seating, my view was fine but there wasn't a lot of elbow room. To add to that, there was this kid behind me who was definitely under 17 and probably even under 7 who would not shut up! "What are the Oracle's eyes?" I'm a very calm collected person as many of you know but I was seriously tempted to tell the kid off. Ah well...