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Sunday TV Recap

I like the way this works. I bitch about something on here and the problem is corrected. I had complained this weekend that Enterprise was not shown and then I come across it at 5:45pm yesterday evening. Overall, I was very impressed with the writing and acting of this episode. I'm not entirely sure of T'Pol's motives for kissing Sim. (It could have been nothing. If you blinked you missed it.) Will this lead to a love triangle between Archer, T'Pol and Trip? That might be fun. Yeah, it was kind of done with Worf, Troi, and Riker but Riker and Worf were not really good friends. Trip and Archer are. The other possible explanation of the kiss is that she was making a man who was marked for death happy. Maybe I'll try that...Archer showed in this episode concern for his friend but didn't totally abandon his determination to complete the mission. In that scene where Sim wanted to fly one of the shuttles, I was honestly thinking, "Do you want to deny Travis a chance to do something in this episode?" forgetting that they were referring to Malcolm. Silly me...

Secrets were revealed, to the audience anyway, about Chris. Honestly, stopping Wyatt from turning evil is the most unoriginal thing I can think of. Questions still remain and, frankly more questions are added.

One: If I was any of them, I'd beat the answers out of Chris. They've never been satisfied with that before and Leo certainly shouldn't accept the status quo since he's been riding Chris's ass all season.

Two: He's half-witch? Please explain this. Would this explain why he and Bianca are the only two in the freaking world who want to stop Wyatt?

Three: Are we supposed to believe that the "all my life" comment can be explained because he hung out at a Halliwell museum? That's like me saying there were three bullets fired in the JFK assassination because I saw it on the news. What I'm saying is, that explanation is a load of shit. The answer to number two might provide a better explanation. We did learn a couple interesting things in that scene though: the demon that killed Prue returns to kill them even though I could swear they vanquished him. We also learn that the world finds out about them.

Was it just me or was the first part of Alias better than the second part? The break in at the FEMA office was great. Having Vaughn, Jack, and Sloane working together was sweet. It reminded me of Ocean's 11. Frankly, I thought the jail break itself was anticlimactic. More of Richard Roundtree! (I'm talking about Shaft!) What exactly did he mean about "getting the old gang back together?" Was he CIA or SD-6? It's not terribly important but I'm curious. Hmm Lauren helping to break her husband's woman out. Interesting...If the US military, the DOJ or whatever condone psychological torture as was displayed here, the Bush administration needs to be taken down as much as Saddam.


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