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Charmed was very good last night. The best part was Wyatt scaring away Mommy's dates. That eye thing was awesome. Does that mean he can orb objects or people with eye beams? I would love to see that. The subplot with Phoebe was lame and unneeded. As a producer, I think Alyssa, who's been bashed on this blog a lot lately must have seen the script and bitched she had nothing to do. The main plot with Paige was all right. She's going to be seriously hurt if she continues down this "setting out on her own" road she's on but there is potential for good story here so I hope they continue it. While I loved the banter between Leo and Chris in the time travel subplot, I'm not entirely sure of why it was there. We didn't learn much in terms of who Chris is and why he's really there. I would have liked to know more on this front.
Last week, I commented that there haven't been memorable episodes of Alias. This week was very memorable. Ok, yes this is sweeps so they had to have a memorable episode or they'd be cancelled quickly but still. The return of Allison. She must know something about Sydney's missing two years since she was there in the beginning. While he has every right to want Allison dead, the way Dixon ordered Sydney to kill her bothered me. There was something about it that seemed out of place. The whole Julia thing seems to have ruined my drugged up halcination theory but then scenes like that happen. I love having Sydney has Sloane's handler. ("What if they discover the wire?" "Then I get to listen to you die.") Another thing I loved about this episode was Marshall. I loved his song and comment about IHOP was very amusing. One thing I don't understand is, why does it take a whole other episode for Lauren to to discover the voice is Sydney's when it's completely obvious to me? Is she the new version of Aunt Harriet?
I watched the last hour of CBS's 75th Anniversary Special. Why did Shatner host the Sci-Fi segment? Everybody who cares knows CBS turned down Star Trek in favor of Lost in Space, which they did show a clip of, of course. Ok, yes, they showed the episode of the Twilight Zone that Shatner was on but I think they could have found someone else to do that segment anyway. Another question I have is why Mission: Impossible was included in that segment? I don't really consider it sci-fi although it is true that all the fans of Alias I know are fans to some degree of science fiction shows yet Alias does add a little more sci-fi to it than other spy shows. What's your opinions?