It's been said elsewhere but I agree that the episodes of Star Trek where you glimpse an alternate timeline are among the franchise's best. "The Visitor" and "Yesterday's Enterprise" to give good examples of this. "Twilight" was not an exception to the rule. The episode totally rocked and most aspects that viewers might find questionable were erased when the timeline was erased. By "aspects" I am refering to the apperence of the Yridian. (Then again, first contact with that species hasn't been established as far as I can remember so...) and the use of Ceti Alpha V: the whole point of Kirk putting Khan and his people there was because it was borderline uninhabitable. As I said, this nitpick was erased when the timeline was so there's no problem. I have two comments that weren't erased. First, T'Pol must have been in great pain when that thing fell on her leg for her to show it as she did. Spock had these moments and, if I thought about it, Tuvok must have. Second comment: Is Hoshi an Immortal? Future Hoshi didn't seem to age at all and looked even hotter than usual to me. Maybe they should give her trench coat and a sword and play Queen when she enters a scene...Some may bitch about them trying to get T'Pol and Archer together but I don't have a problem with this. Spock frequently denied he had any feelings (of freindship people!) for Kirk and McCoy but clearly did. This can be chalked up to that with the modern tv twist that a man and a woman can't just be friends. If they do have a relationship, I think it would be cool to have a connection to someone like Saavik or Valeris but maybe that's just me. Hear that, Paramount spies? Try and use that and not pay me...
I hadn't been able to watch Justice League in awhile so I was looking forward to it last night. While it had it's moments, overall, I was unimpressed. I know what you're thinking, this is a cartoon, it shouldn't impress a 26 year old man but in a episode a few weeks ago, a princess actually said, "I want to go out with a bang. Several in fact." If a kid, that's up at 10 on a Saturday night, understands that joke children are a hell of a lot smarter than I was. Admittedly, "geared to children" is the problem I have with the Teen Titans cartoon . What the hell where they thinking shutting out adults with that decision? It's adults that buy shit. Anyway, I digress, pertaining to last night's episode, they missed an opportunity to do a lot with a brainwashed Diana and didn't even explain how J'onn had the purple diamond only to have Green Lantern end up with it. Flash is probably my least favorite character so centering the show around him did nothing for me. Admittedly, I love his interaction with Batman, GL, and the women but, by himself, I could care less. The episode also didn't really explain who these prehistoric snake people were either. One final complaint: hasn't the asshole talk show host angle been done before?
This moring, I finally saw the Stargate SG-1 episode "Shadow Play" with Dean Stockwell as a schizophrenic (I almost spelled that correctly the first time!) Kelownan scientist. The episode wasn't outstanding but was pretty good. I really wonder what I was doing instead of watching it. It was a season 6 episode so it was not this past July but the year before. My family usually goes on vacation that week so we might have been in that same cabin we were in this past July. Hmm.
I hadn't been able to watch Justice League in awhile so I was looking forward to it last night. While it had it's moments, overall, I was unimpressed. I know what you're thinking, this is a cartoon, it shouldn't impress a 26 year old man but in a episode a few weeks ago, a princess actually said, "I want to go out with a bang. Several in fact." If a kid, that's up at 10 on a Saturday night, understands that joke children are a hell of a lot smarter than I was. Admittedly, "geared to children" is the problem I have with the Teen Titans cartoon . What the hell where they thinking shutting out adults with that decision? It's adults that buy shit. Anyway, I digress, pertaining to last night's episode, they missed an opportunity to do a lot with a brainwashed Diana and didn't even explain how J'onn had the purple diamond only to have Green Lantern end up with it. Flash is probably my least favorite character so centering the show around him did nothing for me. Admittedly, I love his interaction with Batman, GL, and the women but, by himself, I could care less. The episode also didn't really explain who these prehistoric snake people were either. One final complaint: hasn't the asshole talk show host angle been done before?
This moring, I finally saw the Stargate SG-1 episode "Shadow Play" with Dean Stockwell as a schizophrenic (I almost spelled that correctly the first time!) Kelownan scientist. The episode wasn't outstanding but was pretty good. I really wonder what I was doing instead of watching it. It was a season 6 episode so it was not this past July but the year before. My family usually goes on vacation that week so we might have been in that same cabin we were in this past July. Hmm.