If I had to give last night's episode of Enterprise a grade, it would be B+. Overall, the episode really tried to be TNG, but it didn't quite make it. The writers correctly made the reason the humans were there not the Preservers since no one knew about their existence until "The Paradise Syndrome" but "enslaving the slavers" is a rather dull plot considering. The opening teaser really wasn't that good. After watching it, I was like "So freaking what?" Though I hate saying this, there needed to be more scenes with Trip in the town. He seemed to fit in so nicely. I think they should have played that up. And more of T'Pol on the planet for the opposite reason. That pulse rifle the MACO had was cool but it might have been nice for them to show why they don't have anything like that in the 23rd century. Did Travis appear in the episode at all, for even five minutes? Kill him and have Porthos fly the ship...
Now since I've gotten no comments about it from either of my readers, no one watches Justice League but I will discuss it anyway. Last night's episode was much better than the week before. Hawkgirl and Green Lantern make a great couple if they both like to rip into Aquaman. I was uncertain where they were going with it at times especially the parts where Dr. Fate's magic was compatable with Thanagarian magic Hawkgirl possessed. Readers of the Hawkman comic know that Hawkgirl is Fate's mother. Not suprisingly, they didn't go in that direction as the X-men movies haven't made any connections between Mystique and Nightcrawler aside from the fact they're wearing the same make-up! (They haven't even connected Rogue and Mystique!) Again, we have a villain and not the hero the villain goes with. As far as I know, Solomon Grundy is a Flash villain but the Scarlet Speedster was not in the episode. (Considering he was the star of last week's I'm not complaining.) The other time they did it, it was actually a Static Shock episode with members of the League in it. Brainiac was the villain but, oddly, Superman wasn't in the episode. I'm not saying this a bad thing but it's odd. Since none of you watch the show, I will give away a spoiler. They killed off Grundy which means that if they don't have the Joker appear again, poor Mark Hamill will be out of work...
Now since I've gotten no comments about it from either of my readers, no one watches Justice League but I will discuss it anyway. Last night's episode was much better than the week before. Hawkgirl and Green Lantern make a great couple if they both like to rip into Aquaman. I was uncertain where they were going with it at times especially the parts where Dr. Fate's magic was compatable with Thanagarian magic Hawkgirl possessed. Readers of the Hawkman comic know that Hawkgirl is Fate's mother. Not suprisingly, they didn't go in that direction as the X-men movies haven't made any connections between Mystique and Nightcrawler aside from the fact they're wearing the same make-up! (They haven't even connected Rogue and Mystique!) Again, we have a villain and not the hero the villain goes with. As far as I know, Solomon Grundy is a Flash villain but the Scarlet Speedster was not in the episode. (Considering he was the star of last week's I'm not complaining.) The other time they did it, it was actually a Static Shock episode with members of the League in it. Brainiac was the villain but, oddly, Superman wasn't in the episode. I'm not saying this a bad thing but it's odd. Since none of you watch the show, I will give away a spoiler. They killed off Grundy which means that if they don't have the Joker appear again, poor Mark Hamill will be out of work...