Which Batman Villain Are You?
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I wonder if a professional can tell me why I'm always a woman on these things but I really don't have the time.
I know I said in the first post, all the way back in mid-September, that I didn't care if anybody actually read this blog or not but I'm feeling really unloved like the 26 year old "uber virgin" I am and no, it isn't just that no one is reading the blog. It's also that no one is reading my writings, really asks me to go anywhere, to do anything. Even my parents don't seem to care what I'm doing except to bitch because I'm not eating breakfast. Why am I even bothering to bitch about this here since, as I said, NO ONE GIVES TWO SHITS!!!
This may sum things up quite nicely:
You are a stale donut. You are cold and impassive,
and people tend to stay away from you.
What kind of DONUT are you???
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