Smallville was infinitely better than last week's rather unoriginal FOW plot. While it's certainly no surprise that Lionel had his parents killed and is secretly trying to keep Lex from exposing this secret, this episode gives us a glimpse into Lex himself. If you grew up in this environment, you too might become a supervilain although I am curious what will ultimatelty turn him against Superman. Could that fight at the end of the episode lead to that? Hmm. Lana's statement at the end of the episode about maybe hanging with Clark will get her killed was a step the writers needed to take but I was afraid they wouldn't. They need to keep her from learning the secret for at least another few months and Lana and Clark were getting way too close.
It's been like 20 hours since last night's Angel and I only just stopped drooling. That episode rocked so freaking hard. Obviously, Eve or least that guy she's "massaging her neck" with is certainly behind everything not just in tonight's episode but in last week's as well given the fact they needed to get Wesley out of the way to have their guy to do the translation. Poor Angel. Having Spike beat him in a fight certainly doesn't help the ego and now some mysterious guy wants him dead and is using Spike to do it. Apparently, the Senior Partners aren't involved but was Gunn going off on Eve more related to them then whatever else is going on? Eve herself pointed out he has more of a relationship with "the cat" than she does. Damn this episode was good!
It's been like 20 hours since last night's Angel and I only just stopped drooling. That episode rocked so freaking hard. Obviously, Eve or least that guy she's "massaging her neck" with is certainly behind everything not just in tonight's episode but in last week's as well given the fact they needed to get Wesley out of the way to have their guy to do the translation. Poor Angel. Having Spike beat him in a fight certainly doesn't help the ego and now some mysterious guy wants him dead and is using Spike to do it. Apparently, the Senior Partners aren't involved but was Gunn going off on Eve more related to them then whatever else is going on? Eve herself pointed out he has more of a relationship with "the cat" than she does. Damn this episode was good!