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Smallville was a good diversion last night with the cool moments. Clark has exhibited stupidity that goes along with his age but he thought of the fact that if his powers were stolen so was his weakness rather quickly. I liked that. I also thought that those two past FOWs were two of the better ones. (It doesn't hurt them that they happen to be played by actors people actually know.) I agree with pretty much everybody that Clark should back off pressuring Lionel about Lex. If he's willing to risk giving his own son brain damage to save his ass, no telling what he'd do to the Kents or Chloe. I also like the scene with Martha going to see Lana. I can picture my mother doing the same thing. Not that I'd want her to, of course...
Harmony rocks! She's a left biter! We have that in common. ::grin:: Too bad she's an idiot. (Then again, I'm W so maybe that's not a problem...) Why am I always attracted to blonde vampire babes? First Darla, who's actually quite intelligent, now this. Ah well. Two questions. Vampires sleep? Angel never seems to. Why is Buffy in Europe? What is she doing now? (Ok, I guess that was three questions.)