What Finding Nemo Character are You?
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Before I get into what I thought of Smallville and Angel let me try to update you on my condition. I saw the orthopedist today and my arm, which did sustain a small hairline fracture, is no longer in a sling and is more or less usable if I don't put too much weight on it. My knee is in a smaller, more flexable "patella stabilizer." So I'm back in Boston and have much female support already. Heh.
Smallville technically had an FOW plot but I'm not going to talk about that. Clark gained superhearing and glasses. Because the hearing developed to compensate Clark's blindness, I wonder if kryptonite affects it. Offhand, I can't think of any example either way to answer this from the comics. I always thought that Clark's glasses as an adult were fake, and maybe they are, but this episode does make you wonder. As a man, I recognize certain women's individual scent whether it's the soap they use or whatever. Clark did not recognize that Lana got into the truck with him. I'd like to think I would. At the very least, I'd know it ain't my father.
Ok, get this, I say Angel doesn't sleep and what does he do the very next episode? Sleep through most of it. He was drugged though!! Lindsey and Eve tipped their hands a bit too soon but Lindsey did so deliberately. Think about what having Spike save Angel's life does to his status as the world's new champion? The old champion can't save his own life. Think about it. I am curious if Lindsey is working for himself or someone else. It's cool either way.