I just had a full day of class so I apologize if this makes no sense.
Charmed would have been the best episode of the season if Phoebe wasn't in it. The Swarm demons were cool. Richard trying to rid himself of bad karma was cool. Piper all worried about Wyatt turning evil was cool. I also absolutely loved Jason's "prolonged pee break" line. That was awesome.
Phoebe does not need an excuse to look and act slutty so they really didn't need to give her one. Maybe it's just me but the ribbon tats on her back are fugly. I also am rather glad her relationship with Jason is on the rocks. He really bored me.
I'm not happy that it'll be revealed next week that Chris's parents will be Piper and Leo. This makes no sense. It was Chris who split them up in the first place or at least seemed to want Leo killed by the Valkeries. Also, if he really is Wyatt's full-blooded brother why is under powered? He can't even heal! ::Shrugs:: I pray the rumors are wrong.
Charmed would have been the best episode of the season if Phoebe wasn't in it. The Swarm demons were cool. Richard trying to rid himself of bad karma was cool. Piper all worried about Wyatt turning evil was cool. I also absolutely loved Jason's "prolonged pee break" line. That was awesome.
Phoebe does not need an excuse to look and act slutty so they really didn't need to give her one. Maybe it's just me but the ribbon tats on her back are fugly. I also am rather glad her relationship with Jason is on the rocks. He really bored me.
I'm not happy that it'll be revealed next week that Chris's parents will be Piper and Leo. This makes no sense. It was Chris who split them up in the first place or at least seemed to want Leo killed by the Valkeries. Also, if he really is Wyatt's full-blooded brother why is under powered? He can't even heal! ::Shrugs:: I pray the rumors are wrong.