I apologize for not posting but I was hit by a car on Friday afternoon. My left knee dislocated and is now immobilized. My right elbow is either slightly fractured or sprained, depending on who you ask, and is in a sling. I am home in CT.
My condolences go out to the Tuthill family on the loss of the Colts. Go Pats!
Charmed was pretty good although Phoebe and Page's good intentioned meddling was juvenile. The demons were interesting though. There's more still to Chris than meets the eye. My gut feeling tells me he's really just a quarter Whitelighter and he's Paige's son but we'll have to see. Also, I really didn't like the message that you can't give up sexual love or you'll die. Isn't mother and child love enough?
Alias was quite good. Lauren works for the Covenant? Hmm. Are the writers caving to fan reaction or did they plan this from the beginning?
Addendum to last post: Angel really doesn't sleep but I now recall Spike sleeping a lot. Also, while traditionally vampires are nocturnal, they can be diurnal as well. Wolfram and Hart seems to keep human business hours. That is all.
My condolences go out to the Tuthill family on the loss of the Colts. Go Pats!
Charmed was pretty good although Phoebe and Page's good intentioned meddling was juvenile. The demons were interesting though. There's more still to Chris than meets the eye. My gut feeling tells me he's really just a quarter Whitelighter and he's Paige's son but we'll have to see. Also, I really didn't like the message that you can't give up sexual love or you'll die. Isn't mother and child love enough?
Alias was quite good. Lauren works for the Covenant? Hmm. Are the writers caving to fan reaction or did they plan this from the beginning?
Addendum to last post: Angel really doesn't sleep but I now recall Spike sleeping a lot. Also, while traditionally vampires are nocturnal, they can be diurnal as well. Wolfram and Hart seems to keep human business hours. That is all.