OK, I admit the best part about Smallville was the fight between Lana and Chloe. Poor Chloe. Agent White, ok he's Dr. Grimes or something here, really wanted her dead. I do have a question though. How did Jonathan get brainwashed? Wasn't it Martha's e-mail? My mother prints out her e-mail to show the rest of the family but I doubt the subliminal message would transfer to paper. And wouldn't Chloe wonder why Jonathan used kryptonite, or "meteor rock" on Clark?
Ah, the return of Andrew, "the best" Giles had to offer...It was so great seeing him with Spike again. They are hilarious together. The story was interesting. It was hard for me to grasp the concept that Spike would torture a girl, as opposed to just vamping her, but, at the same time, I wasn't sure it really wasn't him. As a side note, I was mildly surprised Spike remembered Principal Woods' name. Yeah, sure they fought together but this is Spike we're talking about here.
So now that Angel is in league with Wolfram and Hart, Buffy no longer trusts him. For the people that said this season was just too different, that seems the very point of this season. Lindsey and Eve had nothing to do with this yet the ramifications from it play right into their hands. I love it!
Ah, the return of Andrew, "the best" Giles had to offer...It was so great seeing him with Spike again. They are hilarious together. The story was interesting. It was hard for me to grasp the concept that Spike would torture a girl, as opposed to just vamping her, but, at the same time, I wasn't sure it really wasn't him. As a side note, I was mildly surprised Spike remembered Principal Woods' name. Yeah, sure they fought together but this is Spike we're talking about here.
So now that Angel is in league with Wolfram and Hart, Buffy no longer trusts him. For the people that said this season was just too different, that seems the very point of this season. Lindsey and Eve had nothing to do with this yet the ramifications from it play right into their hands. I love it!