Your: Happy eyes! Your cheerfull, bright and always
want to try something new. Your inquisitive and
quite lovable. You have many friends and will
succseed in life.
What type of eyes do you have?
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Charmed was much more entertaining than I thought. Young Penny and Alan were not as stereotypical hippy has I was afraid they would be. "Luther" was but what can you do? The scenes in the 60's were fun until Phoebe arrived and that pretty much killed it for me. I didn't particularly understand the slime plot but Wyatt rocks.
Alias revealed it's secrets last night. Why would Syd trust Kendall at all? As bizarre as the truth was it actually makes a lot of sense. So that's what Dixon was hiding! Is the "passenger" the baby? Hmm Just when you think you can cut Lauren some slack they pull that. What's her game? Which side is she really on? We'll have to see I guess.