You are Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.
You're pretty arrogant, but that pride stems
from the deep-seated knowledge that you are
generally the most superior creature in any
given room. The good news is that you are
deeply loyal to your family, and you have a
generous and charitable streak, even though
most people don't notice because you are too
busy practicing a large vocabulary of stern
Which Jane Austen Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I found out today that it's the anniversary of the first Human Be-in that took place at Golden Gate Park. As Lady Vader, and maybe Deuce, knows this was a fairly major plot point (appearances by people pretending to be Grace Slick and Janis Joplin might have been good but what can you do) of this week's Charmed. Of all the shows to commemorate anything Charmed is not the first show I'd think of.
Dark Skies had an episode about it as well with Don "Ralph Mouth" Most as Timothy Leary. Odd casting if you ask me. At the college Deuce and I went to, the Vice President of Student Affairs was also named Timothy Leary. My father got a huge kick out of that.
"Hurricane" is blasting on the stereo now; the original Bob Dylan version not the disappointing Ani DiFranco cover. It's so nice when a radio station plays an 8 minute song. This was my friend Jarred's favorite Dylan song until I introduced him to "Ballad of a Thin Man."