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Showing posts from February, 2004


Melancholic: You are melancholic. The element that you are associated with is earth, and your endocrine system is dominated by the thyroid. People look to you for answers, and you have an analytical way of looking at things. You are at your best when you are feeling creative, and you tend to withdraw when sad. If you are feeling unwell, you should probably eat fewer carbs and more protein. You probably sleep very erratically, anywhere from 5-10 hours a night. You probably tend to snack, and eat a lot of vegetables and pasta. You are most attracted to people with a sanguine temperament. Jungians call you a Sensory Extrovert. You comprehend in the mode of "I Know", and your mode of being is Feeling. What is your Humour? brought to you by Quizilla I did it. I'm going to still try to talk with her in person but this afternoon I sent her an e-mail. I admit some things that are wrong with this such as how unromantic it is how well it didn't work in my favor in the...

A Jumble of Stuff

Because of my going out to dinner with another woman, or a woman other than Her at any rate, I didn't watch Enterprise last night so I can't tell you what I thought of it. (Not that anyone cares. Truthfully, I don't.) Going out to eat was as fun as I thought it would be. Tracy and I haven't a chance to talk much of late. We tried messing with her boyfriend's alcohol-hazed brain by telling him she was going out with a another man but he guess it was me immediately. So? I can be dangerous! (Ah, who the hell am I kidding...) I had red wine. Why? I don't know. I prefer white. Leftovers, yay! I thought about the consequences of going out with Tracy in my plan to tell Her my feelings because I'm like that. Do you tell a woman before, which is no longer an option, or after you go out to dinner with another woman? As I said, it's too late now but in future? Watched Forrest Gump last night. That movie is so good. Tell me why I don't ...

Langdon Auger!

~*Definitely crushing on you!*~ She is DEFINITELY crushing on you. She calls you as much as possible, and you call her a lot too. Sometimes she might not call you as much because she worries that she might look a bit too obsessive over you, so that's why you need to call her. If she's going out with somebody, that doesn't mean she doesn't like you. Because she does! Flirt with her as much as you can... Hug her, put your arm around her... you'll win her over!! If you ask her out, you will DEFINITELY get a yes! Trust me! Good luck with her!!! (FOR GUYS!!) IS SHE CRUSHING ON YOU AS MUCH AS YOU ARE CRUSHING ON HER? brought to you by Quizilla I found that amusing. Accurate? It's a stupid quiz, hello!?! Also, she has never called me nor I her. Oh, I actually went up to her room to talk with her this afternoon. Unfortunately, she wasn't there... My alcovemate is interested in going out to Bertucci's this evening. I think this will be fun. I ...

Saturday Morning Post

Stargate SG-1 finally had a good episode last night. It seems, with the exception of a few weeks ago, their best episodes are written by either Michael Shanks or Chris Judge who both happen to be castmembers. Of course the NID would try to access the Go'auld memory any way they could. Reasons for O'Neill not to be in episodes have just been getting stupider. He was "still recovering?" From what? Has the quality of the medical staff dropped that severely since Janet's death? The series has always lacked an epilogue but this week I think it was sorely missed. It was not clear to me which personality was in control at the end of the episode. Despite all my complaints though, this was a very good episode and sorely needed.

What Kind of Adult Film is Rated PG?

A Film About You by couplandesque Your Name Film Title An Unknown Place Who Plays You Johnny Depp Who Co-Stars Harrison Ford Category Adult Film Rating PG Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! Hmm I'm Johny Depp. Does that mean Harrison Ford is my lover or is this a "buddy cop" type deal? Actually, since this is a movie about me, Harison Ford must play Deuce which is odd casting since my former roommate is a year and two days younger not twice my age. Maybe he's my father... Today was pretty much a waste. 'Nuff Said.

This Really Needs A Picture

Scorpio Drinking style: Don't ever tell Scorpios they've had enough, for they'll smirk at you and quietly but intentionally keep tippling till they're hog whimpering drunk, out of 100-proof spite. Scorpios like to drink, and screw you if you have a problem with that. Most of them see the sauce as something to savor in itself, and not as a personality-altering tool -- though if depressed, self-loathing Scorps seek total obliteration. But generally, they're fascinating drinking pals, brilliant conversationalists and dizzying flirts. They also remember everything -- especially what you did when you were blitzed. Only drink with a Scorpio who likes you. Alcohoroscopes- what do the stars say about your drinking style brought to you by Quizilla I'd say that's fairly accurate. MMM...Alcohol... I was reading some of my old posts this morning before work. A previous Fruit Quiz pegged me as an orange. (Guess who eats 3 oranges a day...) I wouldn...

OK I Have a Screw Loose

Lady Vader once asked if she had one for being attracted to Jesus, or the actor who plays him at any rate. Really that pales in comparison to the stupid move I made tonight. I decided I'd rather have "Me Time" that I never have on Thursday nights due to class. I really wanted to watch Survivor: All-Stars because I really enjoyed the first episode of this installment that they showed after the Super Bowl. I was not disappointed. Jeri "didn't want to be screwed by" Colby again. or at least that's what she told Richard. I'm shocked they voted Richard off so soon. Did one win make him even more the cocky bastard? Hmm. Anyway, my stupid move? Deciding to stay home alone instead of going to the intramural basketball game that a few of my fellow North Hallers are a part of with several more members including again you gotta know who by now going as spectators. I seriously doubt anything would've happened on that front and I had tu...

Damn Quizilla

Are you Charmed? by kya_jane Name How are you related Long lost brother Your power Flying Your man Shax Good/Evil Perfect How you meet At Magic School Random BYE! Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! I didn't want to do another Meme now but Quizilla was down so here you go. Somehow I'm male but into male demons who kill my family. ::Shrugs:: I accomplished two things today and it's only 2:30. I signed up to be able to stay on campus during Spring Break and got that affidavit I mentioned to LadyVader last night notarized. There happen to be several faculty and staff of the college that have the power to do this. Tomorrow evening are the conference basketball semi-finals next door in the Sports Center. Simmons will play Emmanuel and Albertus Magnus will play Norwich. I'm kinda interested in a Simmons/AMC match up in the finals.

Howdy Ho Neighborinos!

Your Ideal Episode of the Simpsons? by davisj8 Homer Trys another Get Rich Quick scheme Marge Cleans the house Bart shares room with Lisa Lisa goes on "date" with Milhouse Maggie starts walking. Name Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! I'm finding making these things so much fun. Sure, I have a ton of other things I should be doing but, if you were me, you'd want to find some way to escape too and it's not like I've become an alcoholic or drug addict so what the hell? Smallville wasn't the greatest but they've done much worse. I think Clark and I are alike in some ways. If my father was in the hospital, I'd do anything I could to help even it meant putting aside things I had a better chance of really helping with. In fact, I think many others could also agree with the sentiment. I was disappointed that more wasn't done with the angle of Lionel re-animating dead people but I have a feeling this will continue indefinitely so ...

Not Created By Me But Should Be

What "Mmm..." quote from The Simpsons are you? by stardust_faerie LJ name Fluffy or not fluffy? Ketchup or mustard? Your "Mmm..." Line "Mmm...the land of chocolate." Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! Wow. I'm actually someone cool. Your Giles. You fight for the side of good, with out much fighting. Your recon guy, you know everything about everything. Which Buffy Character are you most like? (guys) brought to you by Quizilla You are Marcie!


You belong somewhere out in the world, exploring and learning and spreading the knowledge that you find. When you love, that love will join you in your quest and believe as you do in a world of spiritual energy that is stronger than anything humanity could normally even conceive, although you may be able to. Council those you encounter, give them your wisdom, and stay true to yourself. Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES) brought to you by Quizilla Ok, so we lost the Cookie Thing. How you ask could we lose to undergrad women? No one told us one of the judges was allergic to nuts but apparently either the undergrads knew her better, which is entirely possible, or have allergies themselves. I have never heard of an adult with that allergy anyway... Something else happened at the Cookie thing I'm, not proud of. I experienced intense jealousy when another guy from the dorm was showing Her his new I-pod Mini. There was nothing going on yet, I was so angry about it. I wanted...

How's My Day Going? Eh.

What Is the Title of Your Life Story and Who Will Write It? by davisj8 Name Title The Juicy Fruit Incident Author Dave Barry Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! I don't even know what the above title means. I have chewed Juicy Fruit a few times in my life but... There was no hot water for my shower this morning. I hate cold showers. Although some my say I need one... I got a seat on the Green Line this morning. Amazing I say. Work was ok. I did more research into the nursing database issue I mentioned before. We have re-evaluated how we teach bibliographic instruction to Nursing students. Helped a co-worker with Access. A student came into the library wanting to do her assignment for a computer class. Two problems. The assignment was to install a non-existent printer. You can't, of course, install hardware on a library computer anyway. The second problem was the text was geared for XP and the computers in the library are running 2000. This is...

A Test

Which Bob Dylan Song Are You? by davisj8 Name Age Gender Male Female Song It Ain't Me Babe Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! Yes, I created that. I just wanted to see how easy it was to do. It's actually pretty simple. Sometime I'll create one that people might actually want to take. Maybe.


You're Belle! A very beautiful person inside and out. You are very independent and don't care about materialistic objects. You're the kind of person that people can trust with anything. Which Disney Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla It was the freakin' library option I know but what can you do? I want a big library in my dream house, ok? I started a Smallville story this afternoon. I seem to have gotten a new muse even if it only inspires fan fiction. I think I prefer reading fan fic rather than original fic on the internet anyway so I might as well write it.

Not a Bad Evening

Enterprise was pretty good last night. It wasn't a sweeps episode really but what can you do? John Billingsley is a fabulous actor. (Why are the doctors of Star Trek almost always the best characters?) To that I must also add that wasn't it convenient that the one crewmember who's immune happens to be the doctor? Oh well... Was that scene with Phlox naked necessary? Why would his hallucinations tell him to sleep when we know Denobulans don't sleep aside from hibernating for like 48 hours every so often? If T'Pol was just a hallucination then what if there was a medical problem with the real one? Phlox apparently wasn't checking her. I'm not saying that's not realistic but I was just wondering. I loved that scene with Archer waking up and Porthos hoping up to see him. I could swear he was saying "That crazy man almost shot me!" Guess what? I wrote like 1500 words last night! Hey! Considering I haven't written a word since the dea...

Now That's a Movie I Want to See...

Your Life: The Movie by mintyduck Who will play you: Lisa Kudrow Who will play your love interest: Tara Reid Weeks you will stay in the box office: 5 Song that will play during your love scene: Guns n Roses - Sweet Child o Mine Song that will play during your death: They Might Be Giants - Dead Your name: Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! Every name I tried I was I woman but, when I tried my full real first name, me and my love interest were the two actors I thought about starring in the movie version of the novella I wrote. I thought Lisa Kudrow would be perfect to play the star and Brad Pitt was an early thought for the love interest although I seriously doubt he can play good Ukrainian. Stargate SG-1 was better than last week but still sucked. Dr. Janet Fraiser, played by the attractive Teryl Rothery, was killed off in like first five minutes and the whole episode pretty much dealt with the cast grieving but without clips (As much as I hate clip shows, it seems li...

Very Interesting...But Stupid!

Wow. You're "Tomorrow, We'll See"! A very sad song. Sultry, in a depressing way. Cheer up, luv, time passes good times with the bad. Which Sting lyric are you? brought to you by Quizilla Good News: I saw the orthopedist today and I'm all better! Yay! No more brace for me. He says that "No one should touch my knees" as far as surgery goes because nothing can be done about them anyway. He also says I'll have arthritis when I'm in my fifties but I've known that for years. Bad News: The mail I received from the RMV wasn't the police report I've been waiting forever for. They wanted more information. I understand, now that I know it's the state handling this not the local police, that they need the city the accident occurred in but I explained clearly to them on the phone I don't have the registry number of the car that hit me. If they can't do it with the information I gave them, they might just have to pay my...

It Was a Runby Fruiting!

You are a grape! You are a bit mysterious/shy and don't have many friends. Try to open up a little! What fruit are you? brought to you by Quizilla How can I be a fruit that is found in bunches and not have many friends? What idiot came up with this quiz? To quote Shaggy, "It wasn't me." Ok, so I just found out today that there'll be yet another CSI spin-off starting next fall. This one apparently will take place in New York. I think New Orleans was a better possibility but I hardly ever agree with these things. I guess there will be only two regulars as opposed to an ensemble cast like the other two. I'll interested to see how they pull that off. I don't understand the rush. CSI: Miami will only be in it's third season and the original will be in it's fifth season. Frankly, this is the time for the first spin-off not the second. There running the franchise into the ground faster than Star Trek has done. They had ...

I'm Speechless

You are How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days! Funny and great but what are you rated? PG-13 You know how to joke about and have good time! What Romantic Comedy are you? brought to you by Quizilla Smallville was interesting. The psycho woman angle has been done perhaps one to many times but the episode had many things that intrigued me. I loved the scene where Jonathan walked in on Clark and Alicia. That doesn't happen enough on TV these days. I was intrigued by Alicia's powers. Nightcrawler can't teleport somewhere he's never been but she can. Cool. I also like that there was a special room that blocked her from teleporting. You knew she'd find out about the kryptonite and go after Lana but those are probably minor nitpicks. Everyone goes after Lana on this show. So Adam was sent by Lionel to spy and Lionel's using Clark's blood to bring people to life. That's totally awesome. I honestly didn't see that angle. Angel totally rock...

No Kitty! That's A Bad Kitty! Those Are My Cheezy Poofs!

You're Cartman. You're mean and you like to eat. There seems like there's not much to you, but those wheels are turning. Which South Park character are you? brought to you by Quizilla Your LOTR Adventure by Tacoyaki Username Favorite Flower Race Ent, not a tree! Live in Gondor, it's a fixer upper... Life Accomplishment I've seen everywhere on middleearth Die because Got killed by an Orc Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 !

The Contest

Ok, now that I got your attention, let me tell you how my life has turned into an episode of Seinfeld and no, not that episode. Or was it? I'm thinking of the one where his brain and penis play chess. Yes, this seems to be fitting to my life right now. I ate lunch with Her today. It would have been so easy, from certain points of view, to tell her how I felt about her but I couldn't. Things always have turned awkward after such "confessions" in the past. I'm afraid what will happen if I do. Can I live with eight weeks of awkwardness? Frankly, it seems awkward now especially when we're alone. Why am I considering this drastic step you might ask? The Bertucci's certificate idea backfired. First, she goes home for the weekend then I have my accident. I considered going this weekend but she has friends coming to visit on Friday and I'm not sure if they're staying. I waited seven years before telling my first love how I felt. I do...

Umm Ok...

You are Bill the Pony, Sam's loyal and caring friend, you have never seen the world outside the shire, and are very frightened of what is there. You prefer the comfort of your own home, and being with people you love, but you are very trusting, and will follow your friends to whatever end. It is sometimes comforting to be lead, and to know that your friends are always there to look out for you, but try to go out on your own sometimes, and try something different. You never know, you might have a pleasant surprise. Which LOTR Animal are you? brought to you by Quizilla I forgot yesterday to explain the meaning behind the title of the post. Over the weekend, I bought No Doubt's The Singles 1992-2003 and, now obviously, "Hey Baby" was playing at the time. I never relized just how much I like their songs. I don't know if I like them enough to by any real albums but I should investigate this further. Did you know Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics co-wro...

Hey Baby!

I come back to school from the weekend and there's a freakin' bird flying around the living room. I have no idea how it got in or why I'm the only who noticed. I saw Return of the King in an IMAX theater. It didn't fill the screen so I don't know if it was technically IMAX but movie rocked nonetheless. I love Gollum and Eowen! So the "Fat Hobbit" got some balls and the girl. Good for you, Sam! Stargate SG-1 was incredibly boring. The writers weren't apparently thinking when they had SG-13 who no one gives two craps about with the interesting story. I would have liked to see more of that story and less of the boring documentary scenes. Whomever thought SG-1 avoiding being interviewed would be an interesting story should be fired. Let's begin with what I disliked about Charmed. Why was Phoebe wearing the blonde wig? My mother asked me, as she's wont to do, if I liked her in it. I said, and still say, no! Why wasn't Richa...

Well, I Did This For Angel So It's Only Fair...

your ideal Buffy episode by Corriebird Username Buffy is brought back to life Spike plays with kittens Willow turns into a sexy vampire Tara ho hums along Dawn stomps off in teen angst Xander makes a bad joke Giles walks in on tara and willow Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! Frankly, this isn't as juicy as my Angel episode. The Spike, Xander and Tara bits are the best I think but the Willow and Giles parts can't be ignored...

Time Consuming Fun

Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: The Rolling Stones Are you female or male:: Street Fighting Man Describe yourself:: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction How do some people feel about you:: Sympathy For The Devil How do you feel about yourself:: Losing My Touch Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: Beast of Burden Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: Anybody Seen My Baby? Describe where you want to be:: Undercover of The Night Describe what you want to be:: Happy Describe how you live:: Gimme Shelter Describe how you love:: Love is Strong Share a few words of wisdom:: You Can't Always Get What You Want Bands // Song Titles brought to you by BZOINK!

Shockingly, I'm Not Princess Toadstool...

You are Mario. You're pretty good-all-around. You're most of the time the hero, and you don't get too hung up in it...Just try and let others get a little spot-light too, k? (plz rate) What Nintendo Character are You? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla Smallville had three plots last night. Pete drag racing was the main plot and bored me to death. The investigation and confrontation of Lana was better but still didn't go far enough to make it interesting. The final plot of Jonathan recovering from a heart attack caused by his deal with Jor-El was the most interesting but they probably want to drag that out as long as possible so they didn't do enough with that last night in my opinion. Angel , on the other hand, was very good. My two complaints on the show was that the WWII era sub they were on seemed a little too modern and I still don't understand why Angel just didn't kill him and get it over with since he killed him before he untied his f...

I Miss My Bessy Girl Kitty...

cow- you are very contended with life and the way things are. you are not often upset or flustered. People can count on you to be dependable and always on time. you don't like change or trying strange things. Don't let that keep you from having a good time. What Barnyard Animal Are You? brought to you by Quizilla What does this picture have to do with anything? you're fine with being in this century. you are comfortable and now that you were born in the right time frame Which Century Do You Belong In? brought to you by Quizilla And can any of those choices of snack, besides the fruit option I guess, be considered a snack? Meat and potatoes ain't a snack, mmkay...

Why Am I Always a Woman?

You are TABITHA King. You're overshadowed by your husband's success, but what the hell--you're a lot tougher than he is, at least if swearing can be taken into account. Besides that, you can perform an emergency tracheotomy in a hotel lobby with a pen--COULD HE??? Your characters are strong, feminist women, almost all of whom can beat the shit out of the mean men in your novels. "Which Popular Author Are You?" (Updated) brought to you by Quizilla Two comments. I've never read any of Tabitha's work but she's from Maine so that's good. It would have been so easy to rig this quiz to be Dave Barry but I only rig quizzes to have sex with Holly Marie Combs... I slept to 6:53 this morning and that ain't good considering I needed to be at work at 8:30. I made it exactly on time instead of ten minutes early without a shower or a decent breakfast. I am also missing my wallet... I spent most of the morning, after showing my superviso...

Funny Considering the Post Below...

You would be a classic flavor. Not a mixture of several like chocolate chip cookie dough, but more like just vanilla or just strawberry. You honor time old traditions and pretty conservative. What ice cream flavor are you? (the one I took sucked so this one is way better :P) brought to you by Quizilla

I Think I'm Going to Have a Heart Attack and Die From This Surprise...

You need to work on your people skills really really badly. Honestly, you need some help from date patrol. Why are you still single? brought to you by Quizilla "Date Patrol?" Tomorrow at work I may have to give instruction on how to use a touch pad mouse. We got a new laptop today in the library. I think I'll be used for cataloging purposes. I made signs for our suggestion box today. The color printer wouldn't print though... The big story in Boston is the fervor on both sides on the same sex marriage issue. Republicans should just give up. The issue can't come to a vote until 2006 at which time gay and lesbian couples will already be legally married. Opponents are like well then they just won't be married then. Unless I missed some decision, I still think the marriages would hold up since it happened when it was legal to do so. The main argument against is that marriage is to bear and raise children. Even when pre-marital sex was...

Sleepy Time Post

Well, I can travel on the T in my sleep so maybe I can blog in my sleep too... I've already discussed Charmed with my only visible reader but for those "shadow readers" who care, here we go. That was the best episode I've seen in awhile. The story was excellent. The Magic School really wasn't the Harry Potter rip off it appeared it would be. I liked it and want to see more. Some Paige School of Rock action would have been great to see I think. Finally, a Phoebe plot that actually makes sense and didn't make me groan. The morphing from Young Chris to Old Chris was awesome. (I could get into the merits, or lack there of, behind Phoebe being the one to know Chris' secret but I won't.) The dialogue was entertaining. "Maybe if you spent less time contemplating your navel...when you still had one..." Oh, a note to Lady Vader: Victor is indeed alive and will be on the show in like three weeks, I think. So, "my crush" fell ...


The Villain - You are indeed a force to reckon with. You are least appreciated for your role in life. You have your own notions of what is wrong and right and act diligently upon your passions. It is a shame that society is blind to the fact that there would be no "right" without "wrong", no light without darkness to judge it by, no hardship to make them stronger. What Type of Storybook Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Enterprise last night was quite interesting. It seemed fairly obvious that the first part was a trick by the crew to get Degra to talk but I didn't see the second ruse coming and I had read spoilers that it was going to be! I wonder if any of the headway Archer made with him would stay with him. I refer specifically to the confession by Degra that he was upset that his weapon killed 7 million people. Was he telling the truth? For storyline purposes the rest of the season, this might be very important. I still think it'l...

I'm Sad and Pathetic.

Which Charmed One did you sleep with? by ambivalent Username Favorite Number Charmed One Holly Marie Combs Where In Alyssa's dressing room Future Relationship Twenty-three rugrats running around Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! Yes, I spent like 45 minutes trying to find the right combination to have Holly Marie Combs in Alyssa's dressing room. On the bright side of having 23 children, we apparantly do it like rabbits...

Quiz Rut

Which Buffy Guy Are You? Brought to you by Faytrial I could list several Buffy characters I'd rather be...

Friday TV Update.

This update I should be able to keep. Honestly the only one that could be in trouble is the one for Sunday. My Mondays are just mucho busy. (Of course, Sunday contains Charmed which my readership seems most interested in.) Again, it may be weeks until I know for sure. Stargate SG-1 had been rather dull, relatively speaking, the last couple of weeks. Last night, it came back with an episode that will have ramifications perhaps through the rest of the season. For the third week in a row, Carter was central to the story. I'm not complaining. In fact, I wish Amanda Tapping's navel ring was Air Force issue...The camera work in the scene where you see her bleeding and the super-soldier tracking a trail of blood that turns out to be another person, not Carter, was awesome. I do have a complaint, though. Carter had a huge gash in her leg and could barely walk at times. Her adrenaline must have been flowing like mad when she easily leaped over a pile of rocks. Now, I said...

Another Quiz

Lady Vader got this quiz from someone other than the half dozen, ok less, blogs we all read to "keep down the incest." Before I show the results of said quiz, I'd like to point out even though I got this quiz from her blog and am "committing incest," the thingy below I went out and got myself. Where do you fall on the liberal - conservative political spectrum? (United States) brought to you by Quizilla I'm totally not surprised by this result. What I am surprised about is the "See All Possible Results" button that was at the bottom of the page. It seems blatantly obvious to me...

More Fun With The Buffy/Angel Universe...

Your Perfect Angel Episode by miggy Your Name Angel calls Buffy in a drunken haze and says they are SO over Wesley finds a way to bring back Lilah Spike loses the coat. Permanently. Gunn saves the day Fred goes out with Harmony for a girls' night on the town Harmony hooks up with Angel Lorne accidentally unleashes a great evil Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! Not too bad actually...especially the Harmony parts and the Angel part.

The Last TV Update?

Like I said yesterday, I don't know how much longer I can do this as regularly as I am now but let's enjoy it as long as possible. Smallville was interesting. Parts were predictable such as that kid who's name escapes me losing his premonition power. The actress who played Megan was good. First, she wants nothing to do with the strange new kid but then was obviously worried he was in trouble. It's been my experience that women are like this. Adam's secrets perhaps are coming to light next week. Hmmm. Angel 's 100th episode last night was very good. I was surprised that they seemingly ended the Lindsey/Eve storyline so quickly. I wonder what else they have up their sleeve. I loved it when Lindsey's tattoos were removed and the Senior Partners found him. That was good. I wasn't to impressed by Eve's "comings and goings" line though. Somehow, I feel that the secret revealed about Cordelia was hinted at by the fact she remem...

All Better

Who is your buffy or angel (female) true love? by buffygirlfranny Your Name When You Will Meet August 20, 2015 Who Will It Be Faith Will You Marry Not A Chance Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! Three other names I used resulted in my "of course" or "definitely" marrying lesbians: Willow once and her Slayer girlfriend, Kennedy, twice. Yet another name I used I got Cordelia but well, if you watch tonight's episode of Angel , you'll know why that's not likely either... Oh, by the way, there are male versions available for those who prefer it.

Someone Will Die

One shouldn't blog when they are so angry they're tempted to beat someone to death but here we go. I started PT today. The evaluation itself went fine. I was given three exercises to do twice daily. (I'll have to do them in the living room since there isn't room here.) Consequently, and I'm afraid I really mean it this time, blogging may fall by the wayside. Certainly, regular reviews of TV will suffer. That's not, surprisingly considering it's me, what has me so pissed off, though. Someone realized that, because I was hit by a fucking car, I shouldn't have to pay for this. So I am asked to get the "auto information" of the driver. (Why the hell was I not given this information in the freaking first place?) It gets better. (Or worse depending on if you're me or not.) The police, of course, don't just give you this information. You must mail a request for a police report and a check for ten dollars allowing 8-10 we...

Another Upside to the Patriots Winning the Super Bowl

Which Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi Character are you? by airame Username Age Favorite Number SW Character Wicket Created with quill18 's MemeGen 2.0 ! To accommodate the crowd going downtown to the Patriots' victory parade and Rally here in the city, the MBTA increased train service this afternoon so I arrived home from work ten minutes earlier! To balance this, however, for the sake of my only regular reader, (Where the hell are you, Deuce?) there was a downside to the Pats' winning although it was extremely minor. Last night, they broke into my Simpsons rerun to have live coverage of the Pats getting off a freaking bus in Foxboro. Hmmm. This was almost as bad as that time Channel 3 in Hartford broke into my father and my past lunch time routine of The Young and the Restless to show our president get on his plane to leave Connecticut. Who gives a crap!!! Of course Al had to describe the moment in detail. ("There he goes up the steps......

I Will Not Say I Told You So.

Ok, I will. Everybody from Pats fans to Vegas knew the Patriots would win. Now they're calling this a dynasty. Next season they still won't get any respect. I was watching CNN earlier in the week and some stupid anchor woman actually said there was no big name teams in the Super Bowl. How stupid can you get? It was not Satan. The Pats were just the superior team. They didn't have freezing cold temps or 2 feet of snow to keep Carolina off balance and they still won. God bless Vinateri for making that FG. The Pats defense in the first half was amazing. Deion Branch may be my new buddy and Antwoine Smith finally picks up the running game that he hasn't done all freaking season. There were some complaints. Vinateri should be able to make 31 yard FG in stellar conditions in his sleep yet he hooked the damn thing. (I'm not going to blame him for the blocked FG.) If he didn't make the game winning FG, I'd have stuck a cleated-foot up his ass....

Here's Me Not Doing Work...

Um...I hope I don't end up with the same fate. You are Ralph Cifaretto...what a snake! You've got something of a Napoleon complex, and think you're more badass than you really are. But people should still watch out for've got quite a temper! Your penchant for violence and excess is going to hurt you most of all! Which Sopranos man are you? brought to you by Quizilla


Friday, my horoscope, and no, I don't usually believe in that kind of thing but bear with me, said that there would be a major development in the romance department and that "my crush would return affections." If that refers to the woman I've mentioned before, this wasn't likely to happen and didn't. Her grandmother is either near death or has already died and I don't think she's even on campus. There's more to this story. The same day, I was IMed by a complete stranger who, after talking with her for awhile, seems to a have a few things in common with me. It was then I discovered she goes to another school here in Boston. That might have happened to me once or twice before but it's very rare. Oddly, she and "my crush" have the same name. Now, I'm not saying anything will come of this. We may never even talk again but it was odd nonetheless. Just be warned that I may be back here wondering which, if any, to p...