Melancholic: You are melancholic. The element that you are associated with is earth, and your endocrine system is dominated by the thyroid. People look to you for answers, and you have an analytical way of looking at things. You are at your best when you are feeling creative, and you tend to withdraw when sad. If you are feeling unwell, you should probably eat fewer carbs and more protein. You probably sleep very erratically, anywhere from 5-10 hours a night. You probably tend to snack, and eat a lot of vegetables and pasta. You are most attracted to people with a sanguine temperament. Jungians call you a Sensory Extrovert. You comprehend in the mode of "I Know", and your mode of being is Feeling.
What is your Humour? brought to you by Quizilla
I did it. I'm going to still try to talk with her in person but this afternoon I sent her an e-mail. I admit some things that are wrong with this such as how unromantic it is how well it didn't work in my favor in the...
Whatever opinions or views I wish to share, now including my new life in the great state of Maine, will appear here. Lucky You...