Well, I can travel on the T in my sleep so maybe I can blog in my sleep too...
I've already discussed Charmed with my only visible reader but for those "shadow readers" who care, here we go. That was the best episode I've seen in awhile. The story was excellent. The Magic School really wasn't the Harry Potter rip off it appeared it would be. I liked it and want to see more. Some Paige School of Rock action would have been great to see I think. Finally, a Phoebe plot that actually makes sense and didn't make me groan. The morphing from Young Chris to Old Chris was awesome. (I could get into the merits, or lack there of, behind Phoebe being the one to know Chris' secret but I won't.) The dialogue was entertaining. "Maybe if you spent less time contemplating your navel...when you still had one..." Oh, a note to Lady Vader: Victor is indeed alive and will be on the show in like three weeks, I think.
So, "my crush" fell down some stairs and broke her toe. She's walking on it and says it doesn't hurt any more but hasn't tried moving it. Get this. She wanted to tell me especially about it. Her reasoning was that I've been dealing with injuries of my own but I'll take what I can get...
I was bad today, I haven't done my exercises today due to being in class all day. Maybe I'll try to do them now. Once is better than not at all...
I've already discussed Charmed with my only visible reader but for those "shadow readers" who care, here we go. That was the best episode I've seen in awhile. The story was excellent. The Magic School really wasn't the Harry Potter rip off it appeared it would be. I liked it and want to see more. Some Paige School of Rock action would have been great to see I think. Finally, a Phoebe plot that actually makes sense and didn't make me groan. The morphing from Young Chris to Old Chris was awesome. (I could get into the merits, or lack there of, behind Phoebe being the one to know Chris' secret but I won't.) The dialogue was entertaining. "Maybe if you spent less time contemplating your navel...when you still had one..." Oh, a note to Lady Vader: Victor is indeed alive and will be on the show in like three weeks, I think.
So, "my crush" fell down some stairs and broke her toe. She's walking on it and says it doesn't hurt any more but hasn't tried moving it. Get this. She wanted to tell me especially about it. Her reasoning was that I've been dealing with injuries of my own but I'll take what I can get...
I was bad today, I haven't done my exercises today due to being in class all day. Maybe I'll try to do them now. Once is better than not at all...