You are Mario. You're pretty good-all-around.
You're most of the time the hero, and you don't
get too hung up in it...Just try and let others
get a little spot-light too, k? (plz rate)
What Nintendo Character are You? (pics)
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Smallville had three plots last night. Pete drag racing was the main plot and bored me to death. The investigation and confrontation of Lana was better but still didn't go far enough to make it interesting. The final plot of Jonathan recovering from a heart attack caused by his deal with Jor-El was the most interesting but they probably want to drag that out as long as possible so they didn't do enough with that last night in my opinion.
Angel, on the other hand, was very good. My two complaints on the show was that the WWII era sub they were on seemed a little too modern and I still don't understand why Angel just didn't kill him and get it over with since he killed him before he untied his friends anyway...With that all said, though, the rest of the episode was quite entertaining. Notice how Spike would bitch about taking orders from Angel but did anyway? The idea that some of Angel's soul transferred over during the vamping process is an interesting notion that may not have been explored enough here.

Suicide! (and you know it, so... dont u have
something to do?)
Choose your Dramatic Death (Now w/pics!!)
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