The Villain - You are indeed a force to reckon with.
You are least appreciated for your role in
life. You have your own notions of what is
wrong and right and act diligently upon your
passions. It is a shame that society is blind
to the fact that there would be no
"right" without "wrong", no
light without darkness to judge it by, no
hardship to make them stronger.
What Type of Storybook Character Are You?
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Enterprise last night was quite interesting. It seemed fairly obvious that the first part was a trick by the crew to get Degra to talk but I didn't see the second ruse coming and I had read spoilers that it was going to be! I wonder if any of the headway Archer made with him would stay with him. I refer specifically to the confession by Degra that he was upset that his weapon killed 7 million people. Was he telling the truth? For storyline purposes the rest of the season, this might be very important. I still think it'll come down to Archer having to choose between destroying the weapon and killing innocent Xindi. I could be very wrong, thinking in traditional Trek terms, but it seems to be where they're going.
A comment or two about next week's episode. Finally the tension between Malcolm and the MACOs! They've been saying all season it would happen and we haven't seen any of that yet.
Now, the Trip and T'Pol thing. They've been hinting at that since the Vulcan acupressure sessions began and furthered still by the events in "Similtude." But what about Archer? There seemed to be some sparks in "Twilight." I hope they haven't forgotten about this or I smell a fan fic coming on...