You need to work on your people skills really
really badly. Honestly, you need some help from
date patrol.
Why are you still single?
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"Date Patrol?"
Tomorrow at work I may have to give instruction on how to use a touch pad mouse. We got a new laptop today in the library. I think I'll be used for cataloging purposes.
I made signs for our suggestion box today. The color printer wouldn't print though...
The big story in Boston is the fervor on both sides on the same sex marriage issue. Republicans should just give up. The issue can't come to a vote until 2006 at which time gay and lesbian couples will already be legally married. Opponents are like well then they just won't be married then. Unless I missed some decision, I still think the marriages would hold up since it happened when it was legal to do so.
The main argument against is that marriage is to bear and raise children. Even when pre-marital sex wasn't commonplace, that wasn't entirely the case. It's a symbol of unity when two people love each other no matter which sexual organs they have.
Besides, it's not like overpopulation in the US is going to stop if couples of the same sex get married. Did I miss the memo that said single homosexuals can reproduce?
I love the "civil union" compromise which, if I understand this correctly, would make it possible for same sex couples to be united for tax purposes but not together "in the eyes of God." Ok, there are Church and State issues with this right off the bat and, really, would God have a problem with this? The New Testament would say no. The Old Testament, yes, but there was a rabbi on the pro side at the rally the other day so there you go...