Wow. You're "Tomorrow, We'll See"! A very
sad song. Sultry, in a depressing way. Cheer
up, luv, time passes good times with the bad.
Which Sting lyric are you?
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Good News: I saw the orthopedist today and I'm all better! Yay! No more brace for me. He says that "No one should touch my knees" as far as surgery goes because nothing can be done about them anyway. He also says I'll have arthritis when I'm in my fifties but I've known that for years.
Bad News: The mail I received from the RMV wasn't the police report I've been waiting forever for. They wanted more information. I understand, now that I know it's the state handling this not the local police, that they need the city the accident occurred in but I explained clearly to them on the phone I don't have the registry number of the car that hit me. If they can't do it with the information I gave them, they might just have to pay my medical bills themselves.
Bad News: The Spring Breaks of my school and my work do not coincide. This means that I'll have to settle for another long weekend but...
Good News: During that long weekend, I can go to the silent auction event put on by my mother's church and get totally drunk off my ass as I did last year...