You are a grape! You are a bit mysterious/shy and
don't have many friends. Try to open up a
What fruit are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
How can I be a fruit that is found in bunches and not have many friends? What idiot came up with this quiz? To quote Shaggy, "It wasn't me."
Ok, so I just found out today that there'll be yet another CSI spin-off starting next fall. This one apparently will take place in New York. I think New Orleans was a better possibility but I hardly ever agree with these things. I guess there will be only two regulars as opposed to an ensemble cast like the other two. I'll interested to see how they pull that off.
I don't understand the rush. CSI: Miami will only be in it's third season and the original will be in it's fifth season. Frankly, this is the time for the first spin-off not the second. There running the franchise into the ground faster than Star Trek has done. They had only two series on at any one time and then cut back to one again.
Law & Order started off fine with their spin-offs waiting nine years before doing a spin-off then got greedy and added a third hour only 2 years later with more to come don't you worry. Oh and CBS is prepared for the 9th and 10th installments of Survivor. At least they waited for Friends to end before spinning that off...
My point? I really don't have one except is Hollywood that hard up for an original idea they have to just immediately go to the spin-off or the remake? (Don't get me wrong. I am looking forward to the new Battlestar Galactica)