I come back to school from the weekend and there's a freakin' bird flying around the living room. I have no idea how it got in or why I'm the only who noticed.
I saw Return of the King in an IMAX theater. It didn't fill the screen so I don't know if it was technically IMAX but movie rocked nonetheless. I love Gollum and Eowen! So the "Fat Hobbit" got some balls and the girl. Good for you, Sam!
Stargate SG-1 was incredibly boring. The writers weren't apparently thinking when they had SG-13 who no one gives two craps about with the interesting story. I would have liked to see more of that story and less of the boring documentary scenes. Whomever thought SG-1 avoiding being interviewed would be an interesting story should be fired.
Let's begin with what I disliked about Charmed. Why was Phoebe wearing the blonde wig? My mother asked me, as she's wont to do, if I liked her in it. I said, and still say, no! Why wasn't Richard in a genie costume? They should have at least put him in a fez and baggy pants...Now that he's powerless, he's going to bore me. I loved the scene where Chris wished Piper and Leo "would sleep together" and they literally did. It was predictable but funny nonetheless. Though, also predictable, the plot with Ginny was fairly good actually.
Finally, a new episode of Alias! So not only is Lauren part of the Covenant, she must be in deep to have access to "the man in front of the man." Again, was this planned or the producers caving to fan demand? Speaking of McKenas Cole, I just rewatched "The Box" where he first appeared and he was taken into CIA custody at the end of that episode. How did he escape?
I saw Return of the King in an IMAX theater. It didn't fill the screen so I don't know if it was technically IMAX but movie rocked nonetheless. I love Gollum and Eowen! So the "Fat Hobbit" got some balls and the girl. Good for you, Sam!
Stargate SG-1 was incredibly boring. The writers weren't apparently thinking when they had SG-13 who no one gives two craps about with the interesting story. I would have liked to see more of that story and less of the boring documentary scenes. Whomever thought SG-1 avoiding being interviewed would be an interesting story should be fired.
Let's begin with what I disliked about Charmed. Why was Phoebe wearing the blonde wig? My mother asked me, as she's wont to do, if I liked her in it. I said, and still say, no! Why wasn't Richard in a genie costume? They should have at least put him in a fez and baggy pants...Now that he's powerless, he's going to bore me. I loved the scene where Chris wished Piper and Leo "would sleep together" and they literally did. It was predictable but funny nonetheless. Though, also predictable, the plot with Ginny was fairly good actually.
Finally, a new episode of Alias! So not only is Lauren part of the Covenant, she must be in deep to have access to "the man in front of the man." Again, was this planned or the producers caving to fan demand? Speaking of McKenas Cole, I just rewatched "The Box" where he first appeared and he was taken into CIA custody at the end of that episode. How did he escape?