You are TABITHA King. You're overshadowed by your
husband's success, but what the hell--you're a
lot tougher than he is, at least if swearing
can be taken into account. Besides that, you
can perform an emergency tracheotomy in a hotel
lobby with a pen--COULD HE??? Your characters
are strong, feminist women, almost all of whom
can beat the shit out of the mean men in your
"Which Popular Author Are You?" (Updated)
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Two comments. I've never read any of Tabitha's work but she's from Maine so that's good. It would have been so easy to rig this quiz to be Dave Barry but I only rig quizzes to have sex with Holly Marie Combs...
I slept to 6:53 this morning and that ain't good considering I needed to be at work at 8:30. I made it exactly on time instead of ten minutes early without a shower or a decent breakfast. I am also missing my wallet...
I spent most of the morning, after showing my supervisor how to use a touchpad mouse (Did I call it or what?), searching for articles on canceling print serials in small libraries or community colleges in favor of online databases such as Academic Search Premiere that contains 35,000 titles. All I found, using my access to Simmons databases, was the article he showed me as an example of what he wanted. The killer really was the small library bit. I agree with him though. In this time of tight budgets, why aren't there articles on this topic?

Sandals- peaceful, daydreamy, and thoughtful, you
often find yourself staring into space. When
you aren't out volunteering you are often just
dreaming away. You enjoy the company of
friends sometimes but enjoy peace and quiet.
[please vote! thank you! :)]
What Kind of Shoe Are You?
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