Every name I tried I was I woman but, when I tried my full real first name, me and my love interest were the two actors I thought about starring in the movie version of the novella I wrote. I thought Lisa Kudrow would be perfect to play the star and Brad Pitt was an early thought for the love interest although I seriously doubt he can play good Ukrainian.
Stargate SG-1 was better than last week but still sucked. Dr. Janet Fraiser, played by the attractive Teryl Rothery, was killed off in like first five minutes and the whole episode pretty much dealt with the cast grieving but without clips (As much as I hate clip shows, it seems like it could have been used well here) and no Cassie. (Frankly, watching this episode, I'm shocked they remembered her at all.) Curiously, Sam asked Hammond how he was doing and he seemed really bummed more than someone who was just a superior would be. Was there something going on between Hammond and Fraiser that just was always edited out of final drafts? Hmm. In addition to the grieving, they continued the boring documentary angle from last week and added the obligatory investigation into the death of an officer. (Although, the NID agent who conducted this was Robert Picardo and wasn't shown enough.) A question I have is will Rothery continue to do the voice of the Asgard scientist, Heimdall? (Not that he, or she, has been seen in awhile...)