My life is surprisingly good right now but I need to comment one subject. Putting Manny on waivers? WTF? Yes, I admit, from a business point of view, this move makes sense if someone other than the Yankees is stupid enough to take that albatross of a contract but who but the Yankees can afford that? Um...I can't think of any one.
Therein lies the problem. Given the Yankees outfield problems, Manny really isn't a good fit for them but Georgie Porgie may be interested anyway. He likes to be the manager way too often. As a Red Sox fan, I love that but my point is he may try for Manny. This would not be good. The Yankees do not need another bat.
The deal is most likely not going to go through which means Manny will be stuck on a team that doesn't want him. You thought he was a half-ass player last year? This'll probably not end well.

You are: Johnny Damon
How cute are you? Keeping to yourself may be your
greatest quality, and people *heart* you for
it. Never a negative comment to anyone,
although inside you're screaming; wishing the
world would stop being so damn ignorant.
Which Red Sox Player Are You Most Like?
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Therein lies the problem. Given the Yankees outfield problems, Manny really isn't a good fit for them but Georgie Porgie may be interested anyway. He likes to be the manager way too often. As a Red Sox fan, I love that but my point is he may try for Manny. This would not be good. The Yankees do not need another bat.
The deal is most likely not going to go through which means Manny will be stuck on a team that doesn't want him. You thought he was a half-ass player last year? This'll probably not end well.

You are: Johnny Damon
How cute are you? Keeping to yourself may be your
greatest quality, and people *heart* you for
it. Never a negative comment to anyone,
although inside you're screaming; wishing the
world would stop being so damn ignorant.
Which Red Sox Player Are You Most Like?
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