Wonderful!You are Prue.You are the protective big
sister.You are powerful and strong.Your take on
being a witch is neither good nor bad...you
take things as they come.You might lighten up
though, feel free to live and enjoy
yourself...you'd most likely be happier.
which Charmed character are you?
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The first time I took this quiz I was Piper. I prefer Piper.
I recieved my Modern Publishing paper back today. I got a B+. I may have to talk with her about it. Her problems with it, and I agree that they were problems, but I am at a loss as to how to find the editor of Coma or, perhaps harder to do, find the numbers of the first print run. These are things that may come in handy for later assignments. We finished up presentations of our books but time was short due to everyone going on and on and on so I sacrificed a chance to tell the class all the hard work I put in. I could have said so much more. Oh well, it was all in the paper so at least the teacher was aware of it.
The countdown to the last class of my Online Information Services course is on...
All I can say about the following quiz result is: I wish...
You're Captain James T. Kirk. A man of action, you
get plenty of it and don't care who's planet
you have to blow up to save the day. Your
emotional, irrational, and dangerous... all
things that make you very attractive to
females, of any species. As a captain, you're
a bit of a rule-breaker, but you get the job
Which Star Trek Captain are you?
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