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Showing posts from March, 2004

No Quiz

Alias was very good as usual. Jack's effort to expose Lauren may have been made harder but you and I both know he will not give up. I was shocked when Lauren went to kill her father and it wasn't her who actually did the killing. (I'll refrain from saying who did in case someone hasn't seen it.) This actually explains perhaps how Lauren got involved with the Covenant in the first place. During that fabulous scene, a little news preview box came up in the corner of the screen to tell you Shatner has indeed joined the cast of the as-yet-unnamed Practice spin-off. I'm so excited. I almost fell off the furniture I was sitting on twice from laughing so hard during Sunday's episode. "I do not like being talked about when I'm in the corridor and last I checked I was in the corridor." This new show has potential to be my favorite since James Spader also cracks me up as Alan Shore. I see it as a more coherent Ally McBeal . Comment on Avera...

Night of Colin Firth

First, a quiz: The sixth book written, you're nevertheless the first chronologically. You not only describe the creation of Narnia and tell where the White Witch, the lamppost and the wardrobe came from, you get to bounce between worlds with the help of Uncle Andrew's weird magic rings. Find out which Chronicles of Narnia book you are. Last night, I saw a surprisingly good movie. What A Girl Wants with Amanda Bynes and Colin Firth. I was afraid it would be too much of a teen movie but it really wasn't that at all. It was a father-daughter bonding movie which is much better. There was several scenes with Amanda trying on clothes and there were a few outfits she looked very good in. Once again, I'm going to hell... My new favorite quote is now: "Oh, poop on toast!" After, I went down to the TV room where Shakespeare in Love was just beginning. Colin Firth appears as a real ass. Too bad, SNL wasn't the one he hosted. We might have ...

Let's See if This Image Actually Works.

What Type of Villain are You? . Hmm. I was just thinking about Soran the other day. How odd. I took this quiz because I was cast as the villain in another quiz so I thought it was fitting. Another comment about it: Lexx was a horrible show. Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz. Fairly accurate although my family is more functional than most. Not that anybody will read it but I started a piece of original fiction today. It's posted at Fiction Press. Readers of this blog will immediately recognize at least part of the basis of the story but I don't care. Read it!

Hmm I Don't Remember This Coupling

Your ideal Middle-Earth parents are Faramir and Eowyn! Do you have any idea ho difficult it is to find pictures of your mom and dad together? That's because Faramir usually holds the camera. Anywho, they are the prince and princess of Ithilien, which will naturally give you some sort of impressive title. Your uncle omer is the king of Rohan, so when you were little you actually got that pony you asked for. And a beautiful Mustang on your sixteenth birthday, too! Considering who your parents are, you'll probably be tall and attractive. Your Middle-Earth mama is Lady Eowyn of Rohan. she's one of the coolest women in the history of ever! She faced down the Witch-King of Angmar and his fell beast for her uncle, so you know she will do just about anything to protect you. She will probably teach you to ride a horse and use a sword and spear properly, not to mention letting you visit your uncle Eomer and aunt Lothiriel all the time. Your Middle-Earth dad is Faramir of G...

Heart of the Matter

in the final stargate episode by _anr_ name wants Sam and Janet to make out on Netu Created with quill18 's MemeGen 3.0 ! Ok, Janet's dead and they most likely will never return to Netu since they, well, blew it up but still...Hee Hee! This morning at work I spent all morning tabulating the results of a survey we actually still have in progress but many have already come in so my supervisor wanted to start now. I'm in the middle of the non-open-ended (Is close-ended a word?) opinion questions answered by students taking classes during the day. (Other categories include Evening Students, Day and Evening Faculty, Staff, and Other, which is mainly what appears to be students who are too immature to fill out a survey properly.) So far there really is no prevalent opinion, positive or negative, on any area of library service we provide although I have a good feeling on the reference service portion which, since February or so, has been me... Today is a day that'...

"That's exactly what Kyle's little brother is!"

Your South Park Quote: by Melraad Name: Lucky Number: Favourite Colour: Yer South Park Quote: ”Cartman there's and 80-foot satellite dish sticking out of your ass!"- Stan Created with quill18 's MemeGen 3.0 ! Both quotes are from one the best episodes ever. Oddly, I think it was the first episode... By the way, their commentary on steroid use in last night's episode was rather poiniant in their own special way... Finally saw the Enterprise episode "Chosen Realm" last night. Frankly, I didn't miss much. The plot of religious fanatics taking over the ship has been done at least twice. ("Way to Eden," TOS and Star Trek V ) This time, though they were dressed like Native Americans for some reason, they were more like Christian Right religious than hippies. They didn't want transport to the "12th Sphere." They wanted to use the ship to destroy people who don't believe as they do: that the Expanse was created in 9 days...

And Now, From the People Who Brought You Beer Milkshakes...

You're Dave Lister!! You rock harder than a porn-star's bed springs and have the attitude to match. And you LOVE curry. You're probably still obsessed about the one that got away (Kochanski!!), and you like to say smeg a lot. But you have an awesome Liverpudlian accent, and you're the only one who really knows when it's best to just stay in bed. Lucky for you that saved your smegging life!! Which Red Dwarf Character Are YOU? brought to you by Quizilla So I had busy day at work today. There was one lazy ass woman I had "the privilege" to to help all freaking morning. First, I helped her find a book in the catalog which is fine then I helped her find the book on the shelf which is also fine. Later she needed to make photo copies so was just going to show her how but then she just wanted me to do it! During this, paper fell behind the copier and she wanted me to get that. If I wasn't the nice person that I am I would seriously tell this chi...

I'm Puff the Magic Dragon...

You are a white dragon, pure and noble, you would help humans if they desperately need you. You are kind and wise with a heart of gold. Which Dragon resides in your soul? (cool pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla Alias was very good. You knew as soon as the group started talking about the mole Lauren would walk in. I mean it's so corny it's cool. Even though, she did it for her own ends, alerting Vaughn of her father's plans was a rather shrewd move on Lauren's part. They're more likely to trust her now, or so she thinks... Jack's on to her now. While it may seem strange to many that it would be he that actually believes Sloane, he has known him the longest. Frankly, the mole being Sloane seems way too obvious a conclusion for them to make. Personally, I think Jack could have shot Sark and still gotten the collar off before the toxin fully entered Sydney's system since it took him only two seconds to get it off anyway but he's not about...

You Call That a Quiz? Now, This is a Quiz!

Furnulum pani nolo. "I don't want a toaster." Generally, things (like this quiz) tend to tick you off. You have contemplated doing grievous bodily harm to door-to-door salesmen. Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You? brought to you by Quizilla Ok, I was interested in two basketball games last night and they didn't show either of them much. CBS stopped showing the UConn-DePaul game presumably because a blowout was in the making but the fact that DePaul's head coach was an assistant under Calhoun at UConn just last season I think is an interesting story. UConn did win though so that's good. ESPN2 didn't show the UMaine/Texas Tech woman's game in it's entirety for reasons I don't understand. Until like the last minute and a half Maine was right in it. If Maine's 3 seniors could have started scoring, they would have beat the 4th seed. As it was they only lost 60-50. ESPN instead decided to show a game that was a complete blowout...

Let's Talk Quizzes

You're Gandalf the White! Which Gandalf are you? brought to you by Quizilla Many times with quizzes you can click to see all possible answers. The quizzes that have this are usually ones, such as The Political Spectrum quiz we all took awhile back, where the possible answers are fairly obvious. Here, we have a quiz where only two answers come to mind yet who would be so lazy to do a quiz with only two possible answers? Can you see all possible answers? No.

As Promised.

Stargate SG-1 could not have been much better last night. Dr. Weir, at least the Jessica Steen interpretation, fits into the role of SGC head very well. In some ways it might have been interesting to have a civilian at the helm. We'll never really know. Too bad. That was a nice send off for the General Hammond character actually giving him something to do. That battle sequence was awesome. My question is though where did the Pentagon get the money to make all those X-302s? Kinsey exited sooner than I thought. He was the VP for what, a few months? Spiro Agnew lasted longer. That was one of the best scenes of perhaps the season though. "Shut up!" O'Neill's transformation was much more pronounced than the first time he "took a download." Was it because he had previously done so and this was a second dose or was it just this particular incident? There were rumors that he would Ascend. He didn't. He appears he was just was encased ...

Read This Quiz Result.

FFX Which game is right for you? (for anyone with pictures) brought to you by Quizilla "You don't want lose your loved ones so you try not to lose them." Good plan, I say. Ok, I was going to start today only blogging about things that potentially make me happy like television or the Red Sox but I must discuss what happened on my way to work. I get on the train at Fenway as usual. The driver comes on the PA to say that Kenmore, the very next stop, is the last stop and everyone must get off. The train was having what, I swear, he said was "modem problems." (Like I care if he can't surf for porn while he drives...) Another train finally comes and we all cram in like sardines. I'm trapped on the stairs, again, for i think two stops. Here I had a choice of reading some guy's newspaper or fondling some fairly cute Asian woman. I choose the former for some reason. (Damn conscience!) It doesn't look good that Trot Nixon will play s...

Cute Picture of the Day

You are the Dog. Brave and Strong What Pet are you like? brought to you by Quizilla Again, a quiz that makes little sense. The internet is freakin' slow today for some reason. It's a nice day, school's in session, so, WTF? OK, I have my stereo set on random yet this is the fourth Dido song it's played in a row... Still, "Here With Me" is a good tune so I'm not complaining too much. Actually, that song is a good segway into another comment I want to make. The last few days, I've been fairly rude to Heather. She's said hi or goodbye and I've given her only a weak smile if not ignoring her completely. Why can't I put the past behind me? Especially since this is the first time, and maybe the only time, a woman has said she'd like to remain friends and actually means it. Oh, this is slightly related and slightly amusing: Remember during the Cookie Bake-Off, when I became really jealous when another guy was show...

Update of Sorts

You are Legolas' Chia-bunny. You traveled with him to the mines of Moria, through the wonders of Lothlorien, only to be lost during the skirmish against the Warg-riders when Gimli used you as a small offensive weapon. Legolas mourned long for you. Which completely non-existant Lord of the Rings object are you? brought to you by Quizilla Ok, so remind me never to use cheap aluminum pans that dent and crumple easily for cooking again. My brownie making wasn't a complete disaster but it was very bad indeed. Ah well. The three people other than me who had one seemed to like them. I brought a plate of the better ones over to Sarah. Her surgery is scheduled for tonight so she can't eat. she can't even take her pain meds because you have to have them with food. She says she's not in too much pain though. Her mother arrived from Washington State last night so she's not alone now so thats good.

Skunk Mating Season.

Apparently, female skunks show they're interested by "spraying the heck out of the male." This is wisdom according to some woman whose a sknunk expert on Ellen right now. You're thoughtful Inuyasha! You have a very caring and tender side to your personality that you're often loathe to admit. Your trusted companions really mean a lot to you, even though you don't always show it, and you'd selflessly fight to the death in order to protect any of them. You're often embarrassed by your own kind gestures and devotion, because they go against your long-time instinct to be a loner. Slowly, but surely, you're coming around, opening up more. It's a good thing; we like the softer side of you. And don't worry, it won't unravel your badass reputation ;) Which Inuyasha Are You? Now with pictures! ^_^ brought to you by Quizilla Today, I'm baking creme brule brownies. Hopefully, someone's around to help me.

Accurate? Perhaps. Freaking Funny? Definitely.

You are the chinese element of Water. People who are under the element of Water are creative, independent and intelligent. Water you are a dreamer, but are quite vulnerable, and have hidden agendas. The color of water is black, and your symbol is the tortoise. Winter is the season in which Water shines and it's months are October/November. Your weather condition is cold. Water is the direction of north, and your day is Wednesday, while your planet is Mercury. Animals under your element are usually shelled. People under you are Turks. Your sense is hearing, your taste is salty, your sound is moaning and your virtue is knowledge. Your organs are the kidneys. You were created by Metal and control Fire. Which of the 5 Chinese Elements Are You? brought to you by Quizilla

Review, Rant, Rinse, Repeat

Harry Potter Personality Quiz by Pirate Monkeys Inc. I don't know how scientific this test is but I have never been a J. I'm always a P. I should also note I'm a weak N. Once I had a U for "undecided" in that category. I guess I should be happy with this though. The INTP is Lord Voldemort... Charmed was really good this week. Though Chris was more interesting with the mystery of his identity surrounding him, it's the correct emotional response not to get close to someone you know will die. On the other hand, the mission to stop Wyatt from turning evil won't take fourteen years to complete therefore he should be happy with this opportunity. I could be wrong, but no one knows that Phoebe and Paige will also die during the event so history isn't totally changed. To me, the Phoebe plot was like a magical episode of TJ Hooker. (I could have just had Shatner on the brain as I will explain shortly.) I agree with Lady Vader, Paige is ...

Forgot a Few Things Who's Your Anime Girlfriend? I have no idea who this is but that's really not surprising.... I wanted to talk about what I did last night. I highly recommend the movie A Mighty Wind. I laughed so hard. Actually, the music was pretty good. I may look into the soundtrack. Oddly, PBS was showing a documentary on Peter, Paul and Mary at the same time... Meanwhile, a dormmate was doing laundry and, somewhere between her room on the fifth floor and the laundry room in the basement, she falls on the stairs and breaks her leg. It sounds serious. I'm told it'll require surgery. Coincidently, it'll be at the same hospital I dealt with. She's now in a commuter room in an undergrad dorm or at least will be. I'm told she's in good spirits.

There Needs to be a Better Image for This.

You are Moloch. You trick people into believeing you're someone else then hit them where it hurts. What Buffy Bad guy are you??? (with pics) brought to you by Quizilla

Everyday is a Winding Road

Ain't that the truth? There are literally days where I either don't even want to get out of bed or days I realize I just shouldn't have. Right this second, I'm happy but just an hour ago I wasn't. In the shower I pondered the concept of meaningless sex. I mean if I'm not destined to find that special someone until I'm fifty or something that's not going to give me a lot of time for spreading the family name or genes. This is where meaningless sex comes in. Ideologically speaking, I'm against this concept. Truthfully, I have only considered pre-marital sex (or at least sex with someone I definitely would never marry ever) at my most horniest and even then it sometimes was with a bag over her head... Then another concept that is more excepted by 1950's society came to my mind. Meaningless dating. You laugh but this concept has always been foreign to me. The closest I've ever come to it is when I asked Smonkess to the S...

Didn't See That Coming...

The HP Female Marriage Quiz made by Sapphire. She seems a bit young for me but whatever...

When You're Gone

No, that's not "If You're Gone" by Matchbox 20, which I also like but the Bryan Adams' song featuring "Sporty Spice" Mel C. Stargate SG-1 was oh so good last night. Kinsey is an ass and I really don't think he'll remain the Vice President much longer. (Actually, Ronnie Cox himself said in a recent interview that he wouldn't be.) Dr. Weir, if I didn't know that she wouldn't hold the position much longer, I think will do fine has head of the SGC. She can handle Kinsey just fine and that seems good enough. (I much preferred Jessica Steen's hairdo in Earth 2 to the "Sharon Gless" look she sported here.) Here's an odd bit o' trivia: this is the second time Jessica Steen's character had a connection to an "asshole character actor." First, Terry O'Quinn in Earth 2 and now Ronnie Cox. We will miss "Hammond of Texas" though. I doubt he'll be permanently posted to the Pro...

Brings Me Back

1. List in order, your top 5 most desired super-human powers: In order? Hmm. Telekinesis, shape-shifting, control over shadow, illusions, and, um, heat vision. 2. What do you like best about yourself, emotionally?: I gotta say my compassion for others. 3. What do you like best about yourself, physically?: my bony white ass. 4. Do you bathe in the mornings?: Shower 5. Do you bathe in the evenings?: not unless I'm home. 6. How many times, in a week, would you say you've washed yourself?: seven 7. Do you flex in the mirror?: Rarely. 8. Do other people find you attractive?: I did overhear some girl whisper that I was cute once... I look like Harry Potter who is considered sexy so there you go... 9. Do you find yourself attractive?: except when I'm feeling rejected and lonely. 10. List 5 things you hate about yourself: my beer gut, my tendency to procrastinate, my shyness, my inability to change the unchangeable, my tendency to fall in love so damn...

Hello, Nurses!

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria . Last night my parents came up to celebrate my dad's birthday which is actually on Monday. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe. We actually found it this time. (We had gone once before.) Even though I had to work this morning, I had to big glasses of guineas draft. That stuff is pretty good. Mother and I tried to surprise my father with the obligatory "birthday spectacle" that oh so many restaurants do but the idiots who work there forgot about it or something. I had to talk to them not once but twice. He ended up with a free brownie sundae instead of a cake but we all enjoyed it. When we got back to my room, I gave him my present: Mystic River , (the book not the movie) and Hootie and the Blowfish's greatest hits collection. (Yes, he does indeed like them.) Teaching bibliographic instruction to nursing students without the computer projector thingy went quite well I thought. What happen to all t...

Hee Hee!

Take the Which Evil Demon are you? quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria . What's your life as a movie? Made by Sara Well, isn't that special...

I Love This Song!

Take the What's Your Song? quiz and visit Castle Diqueria . Hmm. Take the Which of the 7 deadly sins are you? quiz, and visit Castle Diqueria .

Not Much to Say Today

Topic 1: I found a grade breakdown for that quiz. The majority of the class apparently got between 90-100. One classmate did worse than me and another did almost as bad so I don't feel too stupid but the teacher will not be "brought down" anytime soon... Topic 2: Today at work, I worked a lot on fooling around with Pagemaker to see if we can revamp our newsletter. It looks more professional but there are more constraints on amount you can say than the method they use now. Basically, it's a quality vs. quantity argument. I'm sure you'll be told how it turns out. I also will note that I never knew anything computer-related could bore me so much... Move over Dave Navarro... Which Celebrity is MADLY in love with U?! by bigdogg216 Your Name Your Age Number of years he/she has loved u 210 Celeb that loves u Carmen Electra Created with quill18 's MemeGen 3.0 !

Tuesday Afternoon

There's a song title for ya Lady Vader... What Mutant Powers Do You Have? by Frisket17 Username Dominate Mutant Power Hydrokinesis Secondary Mutant Power Control of Lightning Rank Level Twink Affiliation/Team Hellfire Club temperament Team Player Created with quill18 's MemeGen 3.0 ! Hmm Cool. I'm evil and I apparently can electrocute myself. I don't know what "Twink" ranking means but what can you do? What can you do, Marge? After work, I ate at the Fresh City place at the Landmark Center (had a Buffalo Bleu wrap) and then went over to the grocery store to do some shopping. I forgot juice and vegetables. I found out my grade this afternoon for that quiz I took the day my heart was stomped on. Not surprisingly, it was not good at all. The fact it was so bad leads me to believe either I'm the only one who did poorly, even though everyone had a bad feeling about it, so she didn't scale it or she changed her mind. If it's the f...

Quizzy Time

Which Marauder are you? quiz made by Robyn and Angie . I'm male? I'm aghast. That never happens... You are NACHO CHEESIER! You are an original. There really isnt anything to you. Plain and kinda boring. What Kind Of Doritos Chips Are You? brought to you by Quizilla What's wrong with the Nacho Cheese Doritos?

Back To Campus

Not missed apparently while I was away. I don't know how I feel about this. Saw two movies this weekend. My father and I went to see the movie Twisted with Ashley Judd. I found it fairly good but predictable. Every so often , they'd throw a twist in that think the killer was someone else, this happened maybe twice, but you always go back to the real killer. I also saw bits of Wild Things 2 which is a prequel to that delicious Neve Campbell/ Denise Richards sex thriller. It even included an analogous "threesome make out" scene. Oddly, the actress who played the Neve Campbell character was hotter than the Denise Richards character which is not the case with the "adult versions" although I would not say no if Neve came to my door. The best part of the movie was that there was no nude Kevin Bacon... Went to the silent auction/wine drinking/dinner thing sponsored by my mother's church. I won two items I bid on and drank two glasses of wine. ...

I Tried So Hard to Tell Myself You're Gone.

Your Moulin Rouge Status: by pinkrobelover Your Name: Your deepest secret: You raped that poor little midget The Bohemian Ideal You hold true to most is: Truth Your Job at the Moulin Rouge: Bouncer at the door What the customers think: A bit more practice in bed, mate. Favorite Quote: "The Show must go on." Created with quill18 's MemeGen 3.0 ! Hee Hee! Are you a God? by Demonac Name: God/Goddess type: God of Destruction Worshippers: Truckers They show devotion by: Protesting against local by-laws Created with quill18 's MemeGen 3.0 !

Pretty Woman Don't Make Me Cry

I had hoped to hold off before posting to today to allow LadyVader a chance to read yesterday's post since she seems to read only the most recent post but I must blog now. From what I saw of Smallville last night. It seemed like a really good episode. The only thing I don't understand is where that "call from the future" came from. My father decided to call me back then so it was hard to care what he was saying and watch the show at the same time. But I did understand Adam went nuts trying get his medicine. Angel was very cool and had an interesting twist. No, I do not refer to the fact Spike decided to stick around. I refer to the fact Illyria asked Wesley to introduce her to this new world and that she agreed to his condition not to be evil. Basically, instead of bringing Fred back they made her hot and gave Amy Acker a chance to act. What will happen with Gunn I wonder? Will anyone trust him again? Oh and I loved the fact they gave Harmony more ...

Again, I say, Hmmm

At your ten year high school reunion... by robbiewriter Your school name Your name Your job will be Porn star You will be worth $722,081 Everyone will think you smell like you did in PE Created with quill18 's MemeGen 3.0 ! I was a higher paid smelly porn star with my real name...


Why haven't I blogged in two days? Well, Monday morning, "The Curse of the 'Babe' State" struck (I'm not referring to Babe Ruth. I'm actually referring to the fact all but two of the women I've been interested in have some connection to Massachusetts.) and Heather broke my heart. (And you thought I was referring to her as "Her" for some random reason...) Does anybody feel like doing anything when they feel like they were hit by a Mack truck and left for dead? No. Stupidly, I decided to check my e-mail before I went to class and, low and behold, she had replied to my confessional missive which she referred to as "nice" and said she didn't want to lead me on and just wanted to be friends. This is better than nothing I suppose but I have enough friends that I never see or won't see after this semester. I really hoped for something more. Checking the time stamp, I noticed it was sent just before she arrived at the...