Which game is right for you? (for anyone with pictures)
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"You don't want lose your loved ones so you try not to lose them." Good plan, I say.
Ok, I was going to start today only blogging about things that potentially make me happy like television or the Red Sox but I must discuss what happened on my way to work. I get on the train at Fenway as usual. The driver comes on the PA to say that Kenmore, the very next stop, is the last stop and everyone must get off. The train was having what, I swear, he said was "modem problems." (Like I care if he can't surf for porn while he drives...) Another train finally comes and we all cram in like sardines. I'm trapped on the stairs, again, for i think two stops. Here I had a choice of reading some guy's newspaper or fondling some fairly cute Asian woman. I choose the former for some reason. (Damn conscience!)
It doesn't look good that Trot Nixon will play soon, if at all, this season. Back (bulging disc?) problems are nasty and don't heal well at all. Thankfully, Gabe Kapler and David McCarty, to name two, seem to be having good springs. If they can keep it up, we may do alright.
Tomorrow, a review of the season finale of Stargate SG-1...