You are Legolas' Chia-bunny. You traveled with him
to the mines of Moria, through the wonders of
Lothlorien, only to be lost during the skirmish
against the Warg-riders when Gimli used you as
a small offensive weapon. Legolas mourned long
for you.
Which completely non-existant Lord of the Rings object are you?
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Ok, so remind me never to use cheap aluminum pans that dent and crumple easily for cooking again. My brownie making wasn't a complete disaster but it was very bad indeed. Ah well. The three people other than me who had one seemed to like them.
I brought a plate of the better ones over to Sarah. Her surgery is scheduled for tonight so she can't eat. she can't even take her pain meds because you have to have them with food. She says she's not in too much pain though. Her mother arrived from Washington State last night so she's not alone now so thats good.