I had hoped to hold off before posting to today to allow LadyVader a chance to read yesterday's post since she seems to read only the most recent post but I must blog now.
From what I saw of Smallville last night. It seemed like a really good episode. The only thing I don't understand is where that "call from the future" came from. My father decided to call me back then so it was hard to care what he was saying and watch the show at the same time. But I did understand Adam went nuts trying get his medicine.
Angel was very cool and had an interesting twist. No, I do not refer to the fact Spike decided to stick around. I refer to the fact Illyria asked Wesley to introduce her to this new world and that she agreed to his condition not to be evil. Basically, instead of bringing Fred back they made her hot and gave Amy Acker a chance to act. What will happen with Gunn I wonder? Will anyone trust him again? Oh and I loved the fact they gave Harmony more scenes. She's such a fun character.
I ate lunch with Heather and others earlier today and there were actually moments where I wasn't thinking about what went down this past weekend. When the radio started playing Liz Phair's "Why Can't I?" that was a different story but lunch was about over then so that's ok...
From what I saw of Smallville last night. It seemed like a really good episode. The only thing I don't understand is where that "call from the future" came from. My father decided to call me back then so it was hard to care what he was saying and watch the show at the same time. But I did understand Adam went nuts trying get his medicine.
Angel was very cool and had an interesting twist. No, I do not refer to the fact Spike decided to stick around. I refer to the fact Illyria asked Wesley to introduce her to this new world and that she agreed to his condition not to be evil. Basically, instead of bringing Fred back they made her hot and gave Amy Acker a chance to act. What will happen with Gunn I wonder? Will anyone trust him again? Oh and I loved the fact they gave Harmony more scenes. She's such a fun character.
I ate lunch with Heather and others earlier today and there were actually moments where I wasn't thinking about what went down this past weekend. When the radio started playing Liz Phair's "Why Can't I?" that was a different story but lunch was about over then so that's ok...