1. List in order, your top 5 most desired super-human powers: In order? Hmm. Telekinesis, shape-shifting, control over shadow, illusions, and, um, heat vision.
2. What do you like best about yourself, emotionally?: I gotta say my compassion for others.
3. What do you like best about yourself, physically?: my bony white ass.
4. Do you bathe in the mornings?: Shower
5. Do you bathe in the evenings?: not unless I'm home.
6. How many times, in a week, would you say you've washed yourself?: seven
7. Do you flex in the mirror?: Rarely.
8. Do other people find you attractive?: I did overhear some girl whisper that I was cute once... I look like Harry Potter who is considered sexy so there you go...
9. Do you find yourself attractive?: except when I'm feeling rejected and lonely.
10. List 5 things you hate about yourself: my beer gut, my tendency to procrastinate, my shyness, my inability to change the unchangeable, my tendency to fall in love so damn easily.
11. List 10 things you like about yourself: intelligence, sense of humor, my vast mental storehouse of useless trivia (Too bad no one else likes that...) my creativity, my good hearing, my fairly good memory recall...Ok that's six. Be happy with that.
12. List 5 people you care about online: Karen, Naomi, Stephanie, Nicki, and um Jessica I guess.
13. List 5 people you care about in real life: Dave, Jarred, Corey, Cathy and um my mother.
14. Overall, do you love yourself?: Even though, no one else seems to I have to say that, overall, yes I do.
15. Are you more happy, than not?: It's spotty at best.
16. Have you ever been hit before?: a few times yes.
17. Where were you hit?: Most recently? The knee.
18. By what?: car. (Beat that, suckers!)
19. Did it hurt?: No... I think I'll do it again sometime...
20. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?: Ok, I'll play. It's half empty OK?!?
21. In what color do you see the world?: Magenta.
22. Why?: I don't even know what that means...
23. How often do you swear?: Why the fuck do you care?
24. How often do you swear at other people?: You mean in the command form? Never.
25. How does this make you feel?: You mean not doing something that could be considered bad? Hmm.
26. Are you on some kind of medication?: Yes
27. Do you think you need it?: Well, I could just wipe snot off this keyboard 800 times instead...
28. Right now, who/what do you feel like hugging?: I shouldn't say...
29. Name 3 songs you'd listen to right now: "If It Makes You Happy"- Sheryl Crow, "Letters from the Wasteland"- The Wallflowers, "Inside Out"- Bryan Adams
30. List 3 people who's voices you'd like to hear right now: my mother's, someone else's and um God's.
31. What is your favorite noise?: I'm not big on noise. Never have been.
32. What is your favorite word?: craptastic.
33. What is your favorite color?: blue!
34. What is your least favorite noise?: I'd like to stay friends...
35. Least favorite word?: necessary (I can never remember how to spell it.)
36. Least favorite color?: Pink?
37. Do you value your friends?: The question is do they value me...
38. Do you value your family?: Hells yeah.
39. Do you value your stuff?: As materialistic as that makes me sound, hells yeah.
40. Do you self-mutilate?: No.
41. Do other people mutilate you?: I'll say no.
42. Have you ever been beaten up before?: Surprisingly, no.
43. Have you ever beaten anyone else up before?: I don't think so.
44. What's your favorite animal?: Kitties!
45. What's your favorite desert?: Um fried cheesecake can't be beat.
46. How old are you... mentally?: Right now, 102.
47. What's your favorite "smiley face"?: B-)
48. People most often refer to you as: I'll have to go with my name there.
49. What is your favorite quote?: At the moment? "The fifth dentist caved and they're all choosing Trident?" (Oldie but still goodie.)
50. What will you do now??: Find food.
2. What do you like best about yourself, emotionally?: I gotta say my compassion for others.
3. What do you like best about yourself, physically?: my bony white ass.
4. Do you bathe in the mornings?: Shower
5. Do you bathe in the evenings?: not unless I'm home.
6. How many times, in a week, would you say you've washed yourself?: seven
7. Do you flex in the mirror?: Rarely.
8. Do other people find you attractive?: I did overhear some girl whisper that I was cute once... I look like Harry Potter who is considered sexy so there you go...
9. Do you find yourself attractive?: except when I'm feeling rejected and lonely.
10. List 5 things you hate about yourself: my beer gut, my tendency to procrastinate, my shyness, my inability to change the unchangeable, my tendency to fall in love so damn easily.
11. List 10 things you like about yourself: intelligence, sense of humor, my vast mental storehouse of useless trivia (Too bad no one else likes that...) my creativity, my good hearing, my fairly good memory recall...Ok that's six. Be happy with that.
12. List 5 people you care about online: Karen, Naomi, Stephanie, Nicki, and um Jessica I guess.
13. List 5 people you care about in real life: Dave, Jarred, Corey, Cathy and um my mother.
14. Overall, do you love yourself?: Even though, no one else seems to I have to say that, overall, yes I do.
15. Are you more happy, than not?: It's spotty at best.
16. Have you ever been hit before?: a few times yes.
17. Where were you hit?: Most recently? The knee.
18. By what?: car. (Beat that, suckers!)
19. Did it hurt?: No... I think I'll do it again sometime...
20. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?: Ok, I'll play. It's half empty OK?!?
21. In what color do you see the world?: Magenta.
22. Why?: I don't even know what that means...
23. How often do you swear?: Why the fuck do you care?
24. How often do you swear at other people?: You mean in the command form? Never.
25. How does this make you feel?: You mean not doing something that could be considered bad? Hmm.
26. Are you on some kind of medication?: Yes
27. Do you think you need it?: Well, I could just wipe snot off this keyboard 800 times instead...
28. Right now, who/what do you feel like hugging?: I shouldn't say...
29. Name 3 songs you'd listen to right now: "If It Makes You Happy"- Sheryl Crow, "Letters from the Wasteland"- The Wallflowers, "Inside Out"- Bryan Adams
30. List 3 people who's voices you'd like to hear right now: my mother's, someone else's and um God's.
31. What is your favorite noise?: I'm not big on noise. Never have been.
32. What is your favorite word?: craptastic.
33. What is your favorite color?: blue!
34. What is your least favorite noise?: I'd like to stay friends...
35. Least favorite word?: necessary (I can never remember how to spell it.)
36. Least favorite color?: Pink?
37. Do you value your friends?: The question is do they value me...
38. Do you value your family?: Hells yeah.
39. Do you value your stuff?: As materialistic as that makes me sound, hells yeah.
40. Do you self-mutilate?: No.
41. Do other people mutilate you?: I'll say no.
42. Have you ever been beaten up before?: Surprisingly, no.
43. Have you ever beaten anyone else up before?: I don't think so.
44. What's your favorite animal?: Kitties!
45. What's your favorite desert?: Um fried cheesecake can't be beat.
46. How old are you... mentally?: Right now, 102.
47. What's your favorite "smiley face"?: B-)
48. People most often refer to you as: I'll have to go with my name there.
49. What is your favorite quote?: At the moment? "The fifth dentist caved and they're all choosing Trident?" (Oldie but still goodie.)
50. What will you do now??: Find food.