Ok, Janet's dead and they most likely will never return to Netu since they, well, blew it up but still...Hee Hee!
This morning at work I spent all morning tabulating the results of a survey we actually still have in progress but many have already come in so my supervisor wanted to start now. I'm in the middle of the non-open-ended (Is close-ended a word?) opinion questions answered by students taking classes during the day. (Other categories include Evening Students, Day and Evening Faculty, Staff, and Other, which is mainly what appears to be students who are too immature to fill out a survey properly.) So far there really is no prevalent opinion, positive or negative, on any area of library service we provide although I have a good feeling on the reference service portion which, since February or so, has been me...
Today is a day that's so freaking hot I want to sit around in my boxers...