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Last night my parents came up to celebrate my dad's birthday which is actually on Monday. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe. We actually found it this time. (We had gone once before.) Even though I had to work this morning, I had to big glasses of guineas draft. That stuff is pretty good. Mother and I tried to surprise my father with the obligatory "birthday spectacle" that oh so many restaurants do but the idiots who work there forgot about it or something. I had to talk to them not once but twice. He ended up with a free brownie sundae instead of a cake but we all enjoyed it. When we got back to my room, I gave him my present: Mystic River, (the book not the movie) and Hootie and the Blowfish's greatest hits collection. (Yes, he does indeed like them.)
Teaching bibliographic instruction to nursing students without the computer projector thingy went quite well I thought. What happen to all the young hot female nursing students I remember from my college days? These all seemed to be second career students including two males. WTF? (I apologize now if Bulky or another in this fine profession is reading this and is offended.)

Damsel in Distress: It's not your fault your always
in the wrong place at the wrong time! But hey,
the hero always saves you in the end and you
live happily ever after.
Who do you play in in a typical movie?
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