Topic 1: I found a grade breakdown for that quiz. The majority of the class apparently got between 90-100. One classmate did worse than me and another did almost as bad so I don't feel too stupid but the teacher will not be "brought down" anytime soon...
Topic 2: Today at work, I worked a lot on fooling around with Pagemaker to see if we can revamp our newsletter. It looks more professional but there are more constraints on amount you can say than the method they use now. Basically, it's a quality vs. quantity argument. I'm sure you'll be told how it turns out. I also will note that I never knew anything computer-related could bore me so much...
Move over Dave Navarro...
Topic 2: Today at work, I worked a lot on fooling around with Pagemaker to see if we can revamp our newsletter. It looks more professional but there are more constraints on amount you can say than the method they use now. Basically, it's a quality vs. quantity argument. I'm sure you'll be told how it turns out. I also will note that I never knew anything computer-related could bore me so much...
Move over Dave Navarro...