You're Dave Lister!! You rock harder than a
porn-star's bed springs and have the attitude
to match. And you LOVE curry.
You're probably still obsessed about the one that
got away (Kochanski!!), and you like to say
smeg a lot.
But you have an awesome Liverpudlian accent, and
you're the only one who really knows when it's
best to just stay in bed. Lucky for you that
saved your smegging life!!
Which Red Dwarf Character Are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla
So I had busy day at work today. There was one lazy ass woman I had "the privilege" to to help all freaking morning. First, I helped her find a book in the catalog which is fine then I helped her find the book on the shelf which is also fine. Later she needed to make photo copies so was just going to show her how but then she just wanted me to do it! During this, paper fell behind the copier and she wanted me to get that. If I wasn't the nice person that I am I would seriously tell this chick to fuck off.
Tonight, there was a informational meeting about commencement. No tickets so if you're not doing anything on the morning of Sunday, May 16th, feel free to come up, down, or sideways to see me get a fake diploma which will then be exchanged for a real one later.